This is the Message Centre for ALLEYCAT100
love will find a way
nudgenudge Started conversation Sep 18, 2003
hi sam,its taken me 3 hours to get this message on here.lok forward to your soon.nudge
love will find a way
ALLEYCAT100 Posted Sep 19, 2003
Hi Trevor, sorry I wasnt watching the screen, i'm on the pone to a mate just now so was not updating... sorry.... let me know if your still there... Sam
love will find a way
ALLEYCAT100 Posted Sep 19, 2003
You will need to e-mail me your password if you want me to do yur page fo you.. also an idea of what type of picture you would like.. I wil add a couple of links for you too but thats all i've learned so far so you will have to bear with me till I learn a bit more... if you can have a look at SILVERBACK 's page he night still be online if that helps you.. or type it in the search then page down to find friends and type it in that box..
If you manage it then let me know what you think xxx
love will find a way
ALLEYCAT100 Posted Sep 19, 2003
Hellllooooo, your not answering your mail lol.. sent you two messages on here and left acouple in ym2 as well... how do you like h2g2 then? some drinks for you.. ??
love will find a way
nudgenudge Posted Sep 20, 2003
found the i need to know how to delete them without losing you
love will find a way
nudgenudge Posted Sep 20, 2003
dont delete them just yet.. theres plenty room for them.. leave that till later we can have 500 plus messages in one converstion so dont worry... I'm inyur page now have yu noticed anything differnt yet? xxxx
love will find a way
nudgenudge Posted Sep 20, 2003
I will need to delete your writing because you have put it in the wrong place.. sorry I need that big nox to pt things in for yu hope thats ok xxxx
love will find a way
nudgenudge Posted Sep 20, 2003
the only thing thats changed is your message is now a split screen
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love will find a way
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