This is the Message Centre for ALLEYCAT100

Blimey I made it

Post 1


Hello Sam, would you believe it I was on my way here and then I got lost, I found myself at the bottom of a well, in a forrest and in the trailer of a big truck. lmao, but I made it finally. Hows you?

Blimey I made it

Post 2


So now you are on h2g2... complicated or what lmao... smiley - discosmiley - bubbly

Blimey I made it

Post 3


I dont know how you do it babe!!! lmaosmiley - discosmiley - cake


Post 4


I will do as many smileys as I can remember for you < capp > = smiley - cappuccino < oj > = smiley - oj < bubbly > = smiley - bubbly < doh > = smiley - doh < ok > = smiley - ok < love > = smiley - love < cake > = smiley - cake < disco> = smiley - disco smiley = smiley - smiley but remember not to leave any spaces lol... I just got a call from a friend he's coming over for a drink so i'll have to go now... chat soon... and have fun... love Sam xxxxx

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