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Post 1


Glad you made it back FB! Now I've got you in two placessmiley - biggrin

smiley - hug to Sana!


Post 2


Hi Scorpio smiley - smiley

Yup, two places. And about to have a piece in which will be pretty familiar to you, about the third anniversary of earthquakes. Perhaps I should think about a "four legs good" column and indulge my love of smiley - dog talk? What do you think? Do I have the capacity to write another regular piece I wonder?

It is good to be back. I'm lurking a lot and I have rationalised (aka deleted some of) my Friends list so I don't read and therefore get wound up by some of the opinionated claptrap that certain people write smiley - winkeye

Fbsmiley - star


Post 3


A Sana saga would be extremely good; even if you don't have time for a long one.

Incidentally, I lurked in your space the other day when you were talking to someone about Orkney. I have somewhere, a 1941 copy of the Orkney Blast; which my Father in Law got when he was serving there. It was apparently provided for the troops.


Post 4


Morning Scorp smiley - smiley

Orkney - ahhhh... that's my other place in the world. Grandpa was Orcadian and my surname is specific to the islands. We used to go there on hols every other year when I was wee - and my happiest holiday memories are related to lochs, fishing, rain, archaeology, Dad smiley - biggrin

The Orkney Blast was indeed published for the troops in Orkney in WW2. Most of them hated the place - cold, wet, treeless, a long way from home, not much nightlife etc. There's a poem somewhere written by one of them called "Bl**dy Orkney" smiley - laugh They were there to guard Scapa Flow which was the base of the RN Fleet.

It's too far north for me these days - long dark winters and not enough sun. I'll stay here and just dream dreams of Orkney summers smiley - smiley

Fb smiley - star

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