This is the Message Centre for )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend.

Good to Cya :o) xx

Post 1


Hiya Jacqui smiley - smiley

Come in the tea shoppe hon you will fin link on my page & once you been there & posted it will be on yours too...Marc hangs out in there all the time & phoar its a nice sight believe me LMTO
smiley - love Trish xx

Good to Cya :o) xx

Post 2

)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend.

smiled hello trish smiley - rose
well as u can see by the time its taken me 2 answer ur msg how i got the name worst best friend of marc !!
thank u 4 ur welcome msg sweetheart it was very kind of u and i loved the email u sent me with my name on it smiley - love takecare 4 now sweetheart luv jacqui smiley - rosesmiley - love

Good to Cya :o) xx

Post 3


Hiya Jacqui

Well it doesn`t really matter its taken you awhile to answer coz this isn`t like Yoome2 really,but it would be nice if you came on a bit more likes,i think you should come & give it a proper chance Jacqui....I was lost when i 1st came on but stuck with it...i only pop into Yoome for a few mins to answer msgs coz this is a million times better n so are the ppl....i had hoped me & you could ov met up on the odd occasion n had a cuppa or summit...but i only ever see you when Joe Brush comes to visit smiley - sadface
I sent that e-mail ages ago hon ?
Chat soon....Trish smiley - hug

Good to Cya :o) xx

Post 4

)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend.

hugged trish sorry sweetheart i must appear dead ignorant :O(
ive just had so much work done in the house in fact had workmen here again 2 day 2 redo work they hadnt done propley a few weeks ago
2 be honest wih u trish iam tired
i feel ive had weeks of cleaning and now iam back 2 square one again muck and dust everywhere :O( so its back 2 cleaning from light bubs 2 skirting boards again
my daughter is having her 21st in a few weeks time plus its my mums 70th so iam tied up 4 a few weeks but i will meet u 4 a coffee when things get back 2 normal thou in my life nothing ever normal ....take care sweeetheart and 4 give me as marc will comfirm iam not the best at keeping friendships going (hes mad with me 2 :O( ) smiley - lovesmiley - rose

Good to Cya :o) xx

Post 5


Well Jacqui things aint normal in my life either,i`ve just spent 13wks doing a course,in North Shields as you know but i still get time for here n friends, i wish you would give this place a fair go,im sure you would like it
smiley - love Trish

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