This is the Message Centre for )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend.


Post 1


Hi there is it Jackie i was just searching for something else connected with Debbie Harry and stumbled upon your page and saw the rainbows bit and realised i have spoken to you on Yoome2..I normally go on there as Sailor Sam but i also use Childs-Play-2
(as my nickname is Chuck) "HI my name is chucky you wanna plaaaay"
I do hope your the same person cos i could do with some friends on here..XXXXXXXXXX..mmmwwwwaaaaahhhhhh Chuck


Post 2


Hiya Chuck smiley - smiley

I will be ur friend hun (if you want me to be) Trish xx

Oi Jacqui woman get ur butt in the tea shoppe LOL how r u coping with auld f..t then ? only joshing hes a sweetie int he especially in his best BIB & TUCKER LMTO smiley - winkeye

smiley - love Trish xx

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