This is the Message Centre for )))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend.

welcome ex ld user

Post 1


hi and welcome to h2g2 old researcher smiley - laugh here are few things to help you along and enjoy this great and friendly place my name is andy and im an ACE (Assistant Community Editor)and here to help you !!

The Guide-ML Clinic to learn the computer language that many pages here are written in (it's alot like html I'm told).click on U197864 to see what you can do

After you've taken a look at the Clinic, you may wish to Spice up your user page using GuideML, so here's a page to help A690518

Also, the smileys are rampant upon hootoo (h2g2), so you may want to use some. To see the full list clicksmiley - smiley it is the universal language of h2g2 and widely used in conversations

have a cuppasmiley - tea and a slice ofsmiley - cake while you are looking around

any problems just pop in to have a chat anytime

andy smiley - bat

welcome ex ld user

Post 2

)))BLONDIE((( ex LDer And Worst, Best Friend.

thank u 4 ur welcome msg andy :O)
i have had trouble getting back on h2g2 as u will note from the past names i have had
iam still hopeless using this, but have friends who do so try 2 keep in contact with them
bye 4 now :O)

welcome ex ld user

Post 3


no worries hun im just back off my hols

and ysmiley - bat

welcome ex ld user

Post 4


no worries hun im just back off my hols

and ysmiley - bat

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