This is the Message Centre for Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hiya BM

Post 501


Yes we've had PLENTY of weather 'points finger at culprit' smiley - bigeyes

Hiya Di
So what did ya buy? smiley - smiley

Hiya BM

Post 502

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

*refuses to take the bait & look guilty*

Hi Di, I'm good thanks. It was lovely to meet you & Rebs, and all the others...even ones who accuse me of having sommat to do with the weather smiley - winkeye

Did you but anything good?

Hiya BM

Post 503


smiley - yikes Rebs is on the phone....and guess what!! I'm sooooooooooo smiley - bleep dead! smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Hiya BM

Post 504

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

oops....any particular reason?

Hiya BM

Post 505


smiley - erm i would'nt know, me being the smiley - angel that i am smiley - smiley

Hiya BM

Post 506

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

right so smiley - winkeye

Hiya BM

Post 507

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Hiya BM

Post 508


smiley - yikes OMG!! whats going on? Rebbypoohs with nothing to say! Thats unheard of!!! smiley - evilgrin

Hiya BM

Post 509


Hi Lorraine smiley - smiley
Did you get the photos i sent? smiley - biggrin

Hiya BM

Post 510

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

Hi Jen....I've not checked my emails yet ...

How are you? ...

I'm off to check my post (which may or may not crash hootoo smiley - laugh)

Hiya BM

Post 511

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

They're brilliant Jen - I love the captions! I can see the orchid - but I know what you mean....who knows, maybe next year you'll get a whole patch of them

Hiya BM

Post 512

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

and now I've got to go smiley - sadface...thanks again for the pics!

speak soon


smiley - hug

Hiya BM

Post 513


smiley - rofl I could'nt resist the captions smiley - biggrin

The group shot areare on another film, so it could be a while before we see those smiley - smiley

Hiya BM

Post 514

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object photo!

when? when? when?

Hiya BM

Post 515


Ummmmm...well judging by how long it took me to use up the last film, smiley - erm we're probably looking at early 2005 smiley - laugh

Hiya BM

Post 516

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

smiley - erm as long as that?

Can't you gatecrash a wedding or summat?

Hiya BM

Post 517


smiley - rofl....
Weeellll no!
Just think of the excitement in waiting allll that time.... Actually by that time we will have forgotten smiley - yikes

Hiya BM

Post 518

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object


forgotten what???????? smiley - flyhi

Hiya BM

Post 519


Errr i dunno smiley - flusteredsmiley - laugh

I might use it up when i take Rhiannon to the Natural history museum. smiley - smiley Then again....

Hiya BM

Post 520

Beguiled Mortal - rain delivered - distance no object

ahhh go on, go on, go on....

you know it makes sense smiley - winkeye

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