This is the Message Centre for Monitor

Can I Help?

Post 1


We've set this up as a collaborative site. We would really appreciate assistance with keeping it running. If you are interested in BBCi MB monitoring and would like to volunteer to help then please reply.

The only thing we would ask is that you are an established user of BBCi Messageboards.

Can I Help?

Post 2


Hello. I'm mostly to be found on the Science and Skillswise boards since they shut down the Weird Nature one and Great Britons. However, I also put in occasional appearances on the various religion/ethics ones.

Can I Help?

Post 3

Icy North

Welcome SEF. Is that your BBCi name? There's a growing community of BBCi exiles here - most of my acquaintances are listed on the QQ Nights page.

I've only just set this page up today, and I'm waiting for some feedback before I launch it properly - hopefully on Monday. The first task will be to post "flyer" messages on BBCi boards, something like the following:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(Title) BBCi MB Monitor on h2g2 (End of Title)

Are you happy with the service on the BBCi messageboards?

We have launched a new service on h2g2 for you to report your satisfaction. If the boards are down, up, or acting downright strangely, let us know and we will compile a regular BBCi service report for all to see.

So where is it? We're not allowed to post links here, but it's called BBCi MB Monitor, and there are links to it from the QQ Nights board on h2g2. To post messages, you will need to register yourself with an h2g2 login (as many of us have already done).

It's a collaborative project. We are relying on you to let us know your BBCi experiences. We also welcome volunteers to help us run the service.

We're doing it to raise the profile of the quality of the BBCi service. We hope we have your support.

Best wishes.

The BBCi MB Monitors
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I would prefer this flyer to be posted on each board by a regular BBCi user of that board.

How does it sound?


Icy smiley - snowball

Can I Help?

Post 4


SEF is indeed my BBCi name (complete with pretend webcam smiley as a joke after people claimed they could see me or wanted to). I may have to remove that some time, but at the moment it only annoys the few people who are quite frankly annoying in their own right and frequently annoyed at everything. smiley - biggrin

I don't know about QQ Nights. I did start off on BBCi MBs and migrated to h2g2 later though, so perhaps I count as a partial exile. smiley - winkeye

I think that "flyer" would count as spam if it was posted on each and every board. One board in each section might be OK. The protest petition about the overnight closure went on one of the generic science boards. I could do the same with the flyer or use the technology board in that section instead. smiley - erm

Can I Help?

Post 5



Agree with you about the flyers - One per section should be adequate. I'm not sure which is the best board to use in each, maybe the lounge/sofa/general QA-type board. I'd rather it was posted by a regular to each, so I may have to wait for word to get around.

I've just been reading through the draft flyer again, and it reads like an official BBCi service, which it is not, so I thought of amending it slightly to this:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(Title) BBCi MB Monitor on h2g2 (End of Title)

Are you happy with the service on the BBCi messageboards?

A group of BBCi users have launched a new service on h2g2 for you to report your satisfaction. If the boards are down, up, or acting downright strangely, let us know and we will compile a regular BBCi service report for all to see.

So where is it? We're not allowed to post links here, but it's called BBCi MB Monitor, and there are links to it from the QQ Nights board on h2g2. To post messages, you will need to register yourself with an h2g2 login (as many of us have already done).

It's a collaborative project. We are relying on you to let us know your BBCi experiences. We also welcome volunteers to help us run the service.

We're doing it to raise the profile of the quality of the BBCi service. We hope we have your support.

Best wishes.

The BBCi MB Monitors
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I'll post this to Radio 4 QQ at lunchtime today (Monday 28). If you would like to post it on your regular boards, then I would be grateful.


Icy North smiley - snowball

Can I Help?

Post 6


Don't forget that you can specify U and A numbers on the MBs - they don't count as URLs (being just the end of one).

Can I Help?

Post 7

Icy North


I don't know if you were aware, but my flyer on the Radio 4 Questions Questions board was modded as "off topic". We may need a more subtle approach. I would suggest that if the boards are having problems then we reply to the inevitable complaint posts with pointers to this service.

Icy smiley - snowball

Can I Help?

Post 8


When the boards are having problems it's often not possible to even read let alone post complaints. smiley - silly

The science boards let a lot of off-topic creationist trolls' and recently impersonators' posts remain. There are already complaints about the boards in there too. So it would be a bit hypocritical of the mods to remove a post about the board operation and software from the technology section. I've been somewhat busy and haven't got over there today yet. But I'll see what happens if I do post a "flyer" of sorts.

Can I Help?

Post 9


At the moment for instance, the message boards seem to be completely dead. smiley - erm

Can I Help?

Post 10

Icy North


They've been practically unusable since Wednesday morning. Most items posted yesterday disappeared indiscriminately, due, apparently, to the BBC technicians unsuccessfully trying to apply changes in the production environment. Since this morning they have brought the servers down, presumably to complete the changes. No expectation given on when they will return.

I expect to see more exiles on h2g2 as a result.

Icy smiley - snowball

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