This is the Message Centre for tjeika

*waves* hello fellow medic!

Post 1



I'm a nearly finished medical student as well, just two more weeks to go.

smiley - goodluck finding a job!

Nice to meet you!


*waves* hello fellow medic!

Post 2



I hope to find something soon...

Much luck and success with your exams!


*waves* hello fellow medic!

Post 3



*waves again*

Just revising at the moment, where are you based? I'm guessing it's not the UK, because it's fairly easy to find jobs over here.


*waves* hello fellow medic!

Post 4


No, I'm in Germany. Where they just changed a law. Because of what no one is sure how to finance doctors (or, more specifically, me). Nonetheless, I am glad about it, because when I find a job, it will be better paid as before.

But I will find something sooner or later. I want to go into surgery which is supposed to be very easy to get in...

So, you're not worried about a job then? What do you want to do?

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