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So - who is a Real Night Owl then?

Post 21

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

OK, Hazel. Do you wanna be on our list of names? Any graphic required?

So - who is a Real Night Owl then?

Post 22


hazel... ever thought of acquiring a swiss made precision bodyclock movement..... none of your japaneseeee battery type efforts? you might have occasional cuckoo smiley - tit turns - but that would be pretty normal...but on the whole it could work out...

tick tock.. smiley - dragon

So - who is a Real Night Owl then?

Post 23

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Yo Drac. That's the cutest little cuckoo I ever did see! I've been saving that one for Tiny Marshtit, the gardening guru. What is all this horological stuff?

So - who is a Real Night Owl then?

Post 24


Drac - I have often thought that parts of my body could be improved by technology - I hadn't previously considered the clock bit though. I dread to think what an early-bird version of myself might be like... off to the gym at the crack of dawn, cocoa at 9pm..

So - who is a Real Night Owl then?

Post 25


hi hazel... u were just mentioning your bodyclock...thought it would be helpful... cheers

smiley - dragon

So - who is a Real Night Owl then?

Post 26


What I really need is something to store up sleeping-time when life is boring - a couple of days at a time. This could then be drawn on when you don't want to sleep. Some-one once told me you can;t store 'fitness" - I disagree with this, but I do agree you can't store sleep..

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