This is the Message Centre for Shapeshifter

QQ names

Post 1


Most of us, including myself, have different names here from those we use on QQ. If it happens to matter, maybe we ought to clarify this.

QQ names

Post 2

Clapham Charlie

Is this absolutely necessary? I have difficulty remembering my real name, let alone pseudonyms, monikers, call signs etc.


Er, erm, let's see now ... (checks label in suit)


QQ names

Post 3

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Hi there CC. I see you prefer to use the same name for both. So does JR. It ain't a problem. smiley - smiley Wanna be listed anyway?

QQ names

Post 4

Major I. Sworter

Hello Doc.

I wonder if I may be listed 'mongst the numbers for this rather good QQ Night Service wheeze?

This is me - smiley - geek - and you've got m'bally monniker, anything else you need, old chap?

Frightfully grateful. smiley - biggrin

Yours, in twittering hootoo hoodoo, etc, etc,

Ian smiley - geek

QQ names

Post 5

Researcher 229465

Oh absolutely, old chap!

Tophole and all that.



QQ names

Post 6


MC - Hurrah!

Guess Who?

QQ names

Post 7


wysiwyger - are you Samantha ? smiley - blush

QQ names

Post 8


Am I sitting on your right hand?

QQ names

Post 9


Humff ! smiley - winkeye

QQ names

Post 10


Hello. I'm another asylum seeker from the QQ board. I feel liberated if a little daunted. Is it O.K. here? Why am I called Researcher 235987? Will there be room 101 and rats later?

QQ names

Post 11


Hi, Researcher 235987. smiley - smiley

To change your name, I think you just have to press the preferences button. smiley - eureka

If that doesn't work, press "My space" - that's your space not mine smiley - silly and search for instructions there, or ask JR. smiley - bunny

There's a list of QQ name translations if you can find the link.
Please try to make yourself at home. smiley - cakesmiley - ale

Regards, AliQuest smiley - biggrin aka Mark Littleover.

QQ names

Post 12

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

Yep, Ali is correct. Edit your page too, if it's only to say 'Hi'. It will allow folks to send you messages there.

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