This is the Message Centre for Anya The Ex Demon


Post 1

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

I'm gonna go offline now, Plz tell Xand I need his expertise coz my page
is bein very dissobediant. Takecare, i'll be on again in a wee while tho, just gonna take a break, been on all day. smiley - lovexx


Post 2

Anya The Ex Demon

We're just going to have a bit of dinner ourselves, then Xander will call you...

smiley - love Anya


Post 3

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

ok then......bye 4 now....smiley - lovexx

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