This is the Message Centre for Killahs, The Puppeteer of Life, The Demi-God of Fate


Post 1


*runs in, carrying something made up of the big red button, a clock, parts of a VCR, a mirror, parts of a ray gun, and what mysteriously looks like two water bottles* Let's see how the anti-pretty kitties stand up to.... THE DEVICE!!!!

*puts a silver spork into what appears to be the end of "the device" and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens* Hmmm... *thinks a moment, then mutters aloud "Whatever you do, never push the big red button."* I must have put it there for some reason.... *Pushes the button*

*The water bottles light up different colors, somewhere within "the device" a blinking light appears reading "12:00", a light reflects off the mirror, blinding the terranic in question (lets say.. oh... Werekitty), the hands of the clock spin clockwise, then counterclockwise, and the smiley - spork is sucked a little farther into the end* Hmm.. MWA HA HA HA HA HA!!! *pulls the trigger then the spork is propelled into the air, followed by a rush of confetti and some bright red smoke*

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