This is the Message Centre for CARRIE- cRaZy LiL GiRlY gLiTtEr N sPaRkLy FaIrY wInGs.xXxBUFFY.FANATIC.xXx

hello carrie

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

hello carrie, i am your ace and i am here to help you get around and use h2g2.smiley - smiley

first of all we all have nicknames as it is easier to identify with each other. to do this click onto prefences, delete your researcher number, type in your chosen nickname, scroll and click onto update details.smiley - smiley


hello carrie

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

here is a place that will help you use the site:

(click onto the blue text below)

a guide for a new researcher


hello carrie

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

here is a place that you might want to visit:

howgwart's school of witchcraft and wizardy


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