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Researcher 228969 Started conversation Jul 14, 2003
hiya!!did u used to go on ld as james bond??i remember chatting to u ??hows u then ??see ur new if u need ne help then let me know ....
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James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
Hiya, no I wasn't on LD, but if you want to chat with me then it would be nice, what you up to?
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
hello hun!!yeah thats ok ill chat 4 a while gotta go n pay the bills soon tho n get some what u up 2 2day ???how did u get on to here through the email ???how long u been on now ??hope u didnt mind me picking u out the whos online gets pretty quiet in here sometimes !!
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
Not up to much today, in work just now. Are you at work or at home? I got on to this through the BBC message boards, its amazing wht you find when you're bored. I've only been on about a week what about you? No I don't mind you picking me out the whos online, it was a nice surprise, someone chatting to me instead of me trying to talk to people and some just ignore you. So thanxx for that What you up to today then apart from paying bills?
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
im at home on me ....i dont work im a single mum but thinking of getting a job soon but then again ive got the 6 weeks holidays coming up.....aaaarrrgghh im enjoying the peace 4 the last week or so till they break up ...its only me n me toddler at home at the mo little always up 2 mischief lol.
so where in the world r u then im in sunny essex ...dont believe all the stuff about essexgirls wre lovely really !!how old r u /married/single/kids??
im not up 2 alot 2day just relaxing!!may do a spot of sunbathing see if i can tan my wte bits lolxxxx
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
I tried to look for this on my digibox but couldn't find it. I'm in not so sunny Scotland, although it is at the moment, its lovely out. I do believe all the stuff about Essex girls, I went out with one for a little while, I'm 25, single, but got a little boy that I see quite a lot. Have you got many white bits then??
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
only a few wt bits in secret places shame u had a bad experience with ur x but i suppose it happens newhere doesnt mean us essexgirls r all the same !! the only way i can get on here is by the email link which is cool if i delete that ill b buggered lolxx
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
No it wasnt really a bad experience, it was fun. That was actually meant as a compliment, Essex girls are fun. So what I have to do on my digibox is to try and remember what my e-mail address is and then get someone to send me an e-mail and that will have the link on it?? So why are you in need of TLC, stupid question really, I think we all need that. xx
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
ill send u the email if u like its got the message boards n some other stuff on there 2...just need ur email addy??soz take things the wrong way sometimes lol.... me yeah we can b fun n abit unpredictable sometimes i how comes u split up ??is that the 1 u had a baby with ?soz tell me if im being nosey !!
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
Well we split up cos she was married and went back to her hubby, she was separated when we met by the way, but to be honest I didn't mind, it was only sexual anyway for us both. I'll send you the e-mail tomorrow, when I manage to remember what it is when I get home. I've got one here but would prefer to use it as little as possible on here. No that isn't the one I had the baby with, I'm still good friends with that one. No you're not being nosy, I don't mind, what about you, no special man in your life at the moment??
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
nooooo way !!had enough of men at the mo i stay friends with em cant get hurt then ..but i do miss the n
s think its time i started looking really cant stay like this 4eva!!ok hun when u give it to me ill send it!!whats ur name by the way???
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
Its Gary, whats yours? Can't really be lushylips can it? Well you must be the first celibate Essex girl ever, only joking!! I think its time you started looking too, do you manage to get out much? Everyone gets hurt at some time, but we have to take the chance.
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
lol....i like to b different was a bit of a wild child when i was younger but since hitting 30 its changed me ...i prefer to wait 4 me next serious relationship b4 taking the plunge again no more 1 nite stands 4 me!! but feel im missing out on all the fun
ive loads of offers but id rather stick with the vibo 4 now
i get out sometimes not as much as i would like to too many commitments bills kids etc...but its me b/day the end of the month so a girlie nite out is on the cards hows about u get out much??xx
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
I've had my moments as well Does hitting 30 change you then oh no!! Best make the most of it now then. I think you are missing out on some fun, but if you're happy with the vibo then who am I to say otherwise. Surely a vibo can't do the same job as a real ****.
Happy birthday for the end of the month, I think you should give yourself a special treat. I get out most weekends, usually just on a Friday or a Saturday, not both. xx
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
i dunno the vibe doesnt do a bad job mmmmmm lol....soz ill behave eerrrmm yeah it changed me hitting 30 i supppose i thought i couldnt keep going on the way i was i calmed down n devoted me time 2 the kids so yeah make the most of it y u can b careful tho along the way dont want loadsa lil garys running around lol...xx
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
Yeh you wouldn't want to have too many of me, there might be a population boom. How often do you use the vibe then? Don't answer if thats too personal. I'll just keep going the way I am until I'm 30 then, I am careful though.
You don't have to behave with me lol
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
good on ya ur only young 1nce !!neway hunny ive gotta go now do me chores n stuff it was nice talking to u hunny hope to chat soon !!by the way i use my vibe as often as needed which is quite alot l8ly lol....must b this hot sunny weather !!speak soon remember send ya email addy n ill post thsat link ok hun bye 4 now michxx
James Bond Posted Jul 14, 2003
ok then hun, was really nice chatting to you, probably won't be on tomorrow though but will be back on Wednesday. If you're ok with it, you could put your addy here and I will send you mine by e-mail. If not I will get mine to you on Wednesday. I think the hot weather has a lot to do with it as well, cos I can't get enough just now either. Speak to you soon hun xx
Researcher 228969 Posted Jul 14, 2003
soz keep lurking all the other spaces im getting so nosey email is [email protected]
hope to chat again soon mayb on wednesday ok bye hunny
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- 1: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
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- 6: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 7: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 8: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 9: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 10: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 11: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 12: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 13: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 14: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 15: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 16: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 17: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 18: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
- 19: Researcher 228969 (Jul 14, 2003)
- 20: James Bond (Jul 14, 2003)
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