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I like Tarts

Post 1


Hello TartyGirl, I do hope you are an equal-opportunity tart-enjoyer. I haven't really got a sweet tooth, but I do adore savoury tarts, especially with lots of onions and cheese.

Look forward to more tart-related chat!

I like Tarts

Post 2


Afternoon Leggy smiley - smiley I must admit that apart from the famous bakewell tart my tastes are more of a savoury nature too. Can't beat a good old minced beef and onion with a sprinkling of cheese on top, tart. Now what sort of pastry does one prefer?

I like Tarts

Post 3


Well, traditionally I think it should be short-crust, and properly cooked so it's not all soggy. However - I have a weakness for Rough-Puff, in it's proper place of course. smiley - smiley

I like Tarts

Post 4


Leggy, you are right about the short crust, I trust that you roll your own smiley - smiley As to rough puffs, I find that they never really live up to one's expectations and are such a disappointment.

I like Tarts

Post 5


Yes - I know what you mean. Still - usually better than Flakey smiley - smiley

I like Tarts

Post 6


Oh I soooo agree, those bits get into places you never knew existed.

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