This is the Message Centre for MaryMagdalainaPrakatan

My favourite sweet

Post 1


Hello there tarty girl

smiley - tongueout

Do you wear lots of leather?

Have you ever been to Reading?

My favourite sweet

Post 2


Hello there maninblue. Now what sort of blue are we talking here? It would help to know if I am dealing with blue blue, navy blue, azure blue or pervy blue smiley - smiley

Yes, I leather is worn for all parties, balls and dinner/dances and also for nocturnal entertainment. Do you sit on leather BLueBabe?

I passed through Reading on the train once, we were diverted I think because there was a problem on the west coast main line. Would I like Reading...and more importantly could Reading handle me?

smiley - lovesmiley - hug

My favourite sweet

Post 3


Hmmmm leatherrrr

What sort of blue? Depends on my mood smiley - whistle

Today I am mostly in denim. Tight-fitting levi jeans (Everything seems to be tight-fitting nowadays, even the stuff that wasn't when I bought it....) and a denim jacket with Hard Rock Cafe San Francisco embroidered on the back.

Tomorrow, a nice little pair of blue hot pants and a - hey, come back!

My favourite sweet

Post 4


Blue Hot just how hot are we talking here Mr Blue? So hot I get fingers burnt or just a little singed.... smiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - devil

My favourite sweet

Post 5


Put if this way....

If you get your hands anywhere near my hot pants, you won't have any fingers!

smiley - devil

My favourite sweet

Post 6



Meaning that they would be burnt off by the radiating heat, not that I'd chop them off or anything....

smiley - smiley

My favourite sweet

Post 7


Hmmmm..I do so like my men HOT Mr Blue. I'll nip up to the boudoir and slip my little leather basque on and my thigh high leather boots and sort of leave it undressed in the middle bit. Is that warm enough for you, my dear. smiley - kisssmiley - love

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