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A fairly nice day or two....
Posted Jan 15, 2005
Not much of any real importance, just thought I'd bother entering something.
The weather here's ok, considering the time of year. It's been in the 50s for the high, and aroung 30 for the low, altho before this last cold front came thru, it was in the 70s by day and around 60 for the low.
Yesterday, while walking the dogs, I saw two (2!) Red-tailed Hawks soaring nearby. It was a nice, quiet moment... at least, I think it was quiet, I kinda zoned out watching them.
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Latest reply: Jan 15, 2005
Mad dogs and Englishmen
Posted Jun 12, 2004
Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun... so goes my favorite song by Noel Coward, because it fits the climate here in southeast Texas nearly year round. Right now it's about 90 F (32 C) with a 60-80% relative humidity, and at night it's been aroung 75 F (24 C) with 100% humidity. In another month or so, it get up to 100 F (38 C). It's amazing that we don't take siestas around here as a rule, instead of a individual's choice. Oh, yeah; it's because as former British subjects we're used to working our asses off from sunrise to sunset!
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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2004
Started playing a harmonica
Posted Apr 29, 2004
After a series of synchronistic appearances in the last month, I've started playing the harmonica. I picked up a cheap one (for only US$3!) to last until my next payday, when I hope to upgrade to a better one. I blame this new fascination on John Popper, Aerosmith, CBS Morning News, and Backpacker magazine (for showing up on CBS Morning News and in Backpacker; for their new album "Honkin' on Bobo"; for having Popper on their show; and for having Popper in their mag!).
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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2004
Not too exciting update
Posted Feb 18, 2004
Thought I'd post an update, even if it's not too exciting right now.
I got fired from my job as a security guard almost a month ago, and while looking for more work, I haven't found one yet. I did get a new Swiss Army Knife as a cheer-me-up and St Valentine's Day gift from my wife. (Thanks, Hon, I love you too!!) It's the new One-Handed Trailmaster, with a main blade that opens with using just one hand and locks open, and the assortment of SAK tools like can opener/small screwdriver, locking bottle opener/large screwdriver, saw, awl, Phillips screwdriver, and toothpick and tweezers. I think it's the best setup that Victorinox has ever made since they started selling their knives! Remember, one of my rules for life is "carry a knife"!
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Latest reply: Feb 18, 2004
The decline of civilisation and 8 ounce springwater bottles
Posted Nov 18, 2003
I found an empty 8 ounce (257 ml) plastic bottle of Arklansas spring water while walking my dogs, and I thought it was a fine commentary on our society of blatant conspicuous consumerism and its inherent laziness when immediate satisfaction is at stake. Someone bought this little 8 oz bottle of spring water for its conveinent serving size (it probably was sold in a 6-, 12-, or 20-pack), and its "premium water" from Hot Springs, Arkansas, "safety sealed and ozonated for your protection", and when they were finished, they threw it out their car window and onto my sidewalk!
Have we as a society become so spoiled on fresh-tasting water that we can't drink from the tap?!? That we must have spring water from another state (or country) in a 8 oz bottle!?!? I grew up thinking only rich people bought bottled water, and it came from the French Alps(TM), and now I find people throwing away recyclable plastic bottles that only hold a single serving of water! I try to do my part to Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, only to find out that there are plenty of others buying New, Improved, and Better-Tasting(TM) and throwing it away in the same day!
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Latest reply: Nov 18, 2003
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