This is the Message Centre for ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL

A hoy hoy

Post 1


Hey there, got to your space via the FREAKS thing.

Im into Rock/punk music like, Metallica, Kittie, Union Underground an Manson. then stuff like theory of a deadman, Foo fighters and Trapt.

How are you? Anything New?

A hoy hoy

Post 2

ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL

oh saw foo fighters live they wcked met dave backstage but for like 2 seconds cus he was bein rushed i like most of the music your into not really so much manson but some of his songs are good though i really want to hear some underground stuff havnt heard much

A hoy hoy

Post 3


underground, try the unioon undergroud. its not totally underground there kinda emerging along with Kittie.

A hoy hoy

Post 4

ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL

ive heard kittie there pretty good

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