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N.W. & N.C.P../

A7331131 New writtiing... ./
A7331168 New computer program's'... ./

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2005

N.W. & N.C.P../

A7331131 New writtiing... ./
A7331168 New computer program's'... ./

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2005

Sta-in(g)-go(e)s's' rythm's'

Burn of the cisphfer... wind, rain, & tirier,
Hit gauge... lang & fire,
Top profit(e) of c(k)irrr'r(r),
Last of lastly a-mex'x & lightly,
Only for the last in the 1st place to watch your system get erased,
line by line... fragment by fragment, while only for in the 1st never leave a dent,
An inmpressionable mark to remark, posin(e)ious dart 2 breathe of lung & heart with s lung's', still a bum, & card game's',
Only for the blame in this thang of l.ix, stuff & cup of gin,
Only starting from the begining,
While I leave my day, finished for a while & on Sunday,
Oh may we pray, lock, lock's', locked & stuff on may oh-shhish,
Water & leak's', start of o-b.gaummah,
It just drop's', & I'm I'm-ah,
Style-of-lot doe,
It only thou, thee, thooh, & thouth,
Standing with box of cow,
Legi-a-me(i)nt's' of loud,
Only sound cold air & breathe in a booth that left sometime ago,
You only that of which that is only no,
So, so, so,
What is tis it that we have here, one quatar(e) alcohol & one quatar(e) beer,
Air re'eee'el & reel of air,
Time & space,
Data-base erased, deleted & gone,
Only done of long.

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Latest reply: Nov 22, 2005

Act-it(e) duct./

smiley - blackcat
Act-it(e) duct./ A6959929 ./
smiley - blackcat

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Latest reply: Nov 14, 2005

20 trillion, 8 million & 8...

smiley - nahnah
20 trillion, 8 million & 8 people died yesterday,
& I'm not sorry.
Cause of reality, some people from there, some people from there,
& I'm still not sorry.
No mass afflect, no mass large amount of damage,
20 trillion, 8 million, & 8 people.
What do I really say/write in this case of any,
I'm really not too sure what to say/write but, back to fold & back to front. No innocent, not one wrong person, so a good day. Time move's' on, life move's' on, No innocent, not one wrong person, so a good day.
smiley - blackcat

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2005

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