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Post 1


Hi Jo, wow that was quick! I posted that because I found a post about quarters, which I used to play with my friends in high school. I have'nt played spoof in a few years, but one summer I played a lot with friends at University. Almost everyone worked in a bar, so the drinks were pretty cheap, and it didn't hurt too too much to lose a round. Actually I think I only lost once, which is pretty great for the amount we played! Anyhow, thanks for the welcome! Talk to you later, Jeremysmiley - ale


Post 2


Hi Jeremy smiley - hug
smiley - ta for replying to my mssg!
I was wondering if you know of any more drinking games??
I'm off out tonight and plan on getting smiley - drunk n sod the smiley - hangover tomorrow!!
So hun, what are you upto this weekend?
smiley - love jo

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