This is the Message Centre for Rainmaiden

Hi Jo!

Post 1


Remember me??It's Sean babes.Hope you have been keeping fine,and you are fine also.As for me i have been okay myself.Anyway hun,hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes,Sean.

hiya sean

Post 2


I'm fine ta hun, smiley - biggrin
everythin is goin smiley - ok my end
Wot you bin upto hun?
smiley - love jo

hiya sean

Post 3


OOH....this and that Jo!Good to know that you have been fine and well,and you remain so too!As for me i have been doing okay!smiley - biggrin

hiya sean

Post 4


Good to know all is well in your little part of the world!
Can i ask your poinion?
Yesrerdat my daughter was discussing christenings with her friend..... being an agnostic, I never had my two christened.... Could I do it now, if they requested it and do you know what the churches opinion would likely be?
smiley - cheers
jo xx

hiya sean

Post 5


Good to know that all is well with you,and are fine also Jo!The only advice that i can give to you,is that if your daughter would like to be christened,then i don't think that there would be a problem with her still being so!As even adults can still be christened(though you may have to have her confirmed also!)One way of knowing is consulting your local priest or vicar Jo,and ask their opinion on this.But i could not see it being a problem with her being christened.Hope you remain well,and you keep fine also.Will be in touch with you again soon.Godbless andbest wishes,Seansmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

hiya sean

Post 6


Thanx for the info!
I guess I'll have to get off my lazy *** and go and see the vicar!
Hope all is well with you
smiley - hug

hiya sean

Post 7


My pleasure Jo.I am sure the vicar will be able to point you in the right direction!Truly hope that all is well with you,and to takecare also.May GOD watch over you and yours,to keep you allsafe from harm.Godbless hun,Sean.smiley - hugsmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

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