This is the Message Centre for Rainmaiden

hi Sarla

Post 21


It's either me or that message didn't ALL post! lol
Anyway if you diddn't get it all, tekk me!

hi Sarla

Post 22


will do,
do u regularly access email then?
cause we seem to be shooting messages every 2 minutes and dont want to lose that connection
[email protected]

hi Sarla

Post 23


whats ur mail id
both sunshine31 and joalborough have failed

hi Sarla

Post 24

Researcher 224352

hello sarla.. unusual name. is it your real one??
i see you like horror films? whats your fave horror? do you like modern day horror or old hammer house horror filmssmiley - biggrin

hi Sarla

Post 25


your asl?

hi Sarla

Post 26

Researcher 224352

sorry to of botherd you

hi Sarla

Post 27


I just tried to send you an Email at the addy you gave me n had it returned.... try sunshine [email protected]
I know this one works!
smiley - hug

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