This is the Message Centre for Joycegirl

my my my

Post 1

cartoon junkie

smiley - biggrin well you didn't hang around did you.smiley - yawn Stop showing off and let the rest of us procrastinate. See you soon got an interview on tuesday spent the afternoon researching the companysmiley - online2long
smiley - jesterC.junkiesmiley - cheers

Hello stranger

Post 2


No idea if you still visit this site but I was clearing out my internet favourites folder and came across it - talk about a blast from the past!

Hope all is well with you and that life is treating you good.

My family is getting bigger every day - now have 4 cats, 2 labrador puppies and Morgan to deal with. She is 5 now and a demanding wee madam (nothing like her mother!)

Anyway take care for now. Give me a call sometime - it would be good to catch up. Still at Verve and mobile number still the same.



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