This is the Message Centre for Joycegirl

Hello joyce girl you have been ACE`D

Post 1


Hello and a warm welcome to h2g2
Iam intern a <./>ACE</.> Or Assistant Community Editor as we are known around heresmiley - cool

Please help you`r self to smiley - tea
smiley - coffee andsmiley - cake

What do ACE`S Do..smiley - surfer

We welcome new users to h2g2 make you feel at home and get you started here on h2g2smiley - smiley
And if you have any problems we are always happy to give you a hand..smiley - smiley...

I have selected some links for you to get you started here on h2g2 and make it less overwhelming.It is a huge site with something for every one.
The link to my link`s page is A1059842 With load`s of links to get you started..smiley - smiley

If i can be of any more assistance i will be more than happy to help
Just click on the reply to this post and i will get back to you as soon as i can...Have Fun

smiley - devil..intern..smiley - angel

Hi Intern

Post 2


Thanks for the message. I'll work my way through the links suggested.

Hi Intern

Post 3


You are very welcome

If you have any more problems just give me a shout smiley - ok

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Hello joyce girl you have been ACE`D

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