This is the Message Centre for cartoon junkie

A visit from your ACE...

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Reseacher,
And welcome to h2g2. My name's Midnight Angel.

I'm your <./>ACE</.> (assistant community editor)
I am here to meet and greet you,and help you find your way around h2g2.smiley - smiley

first of all if you go to preferences, you could change your research number,and give your self a nick name,by doing this will help other researchers to be able to remember you. smiley - smiley

Now lets get you started on the inportant bit, First lets catch the smiley - bus to the <./>Welcome</.> page
next stop is... I am new what do i do now? A868098 This page will come in very handy.smiley - smiley

To make yourself more familiar with the site try the feisor A719840 where you will find some very useful links,to help you.smiley - biggrin

Take another smiley - bus to the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> you will find this very useful.
Another great stoping point would be <./>DontPanic</.> help center

Why not visit <./>ThePost</.> h2g2's very own newspaper.smiley - thepost
The place to find out whats happening here on h2g2

Also if you have any factual writing you want to post why not add it in the PeerReview

Now you may have noticed all over h2g2 that we use smileys like this smiley - discosmiley - divasmiley - runsmiley - ale
vistit <./>SMILEYS</.> to find out more.smiley - biggrin

Another page to visit to spice up your page is A690518.

If you have a question? Why not ask in <./>ASKh2g2</.>

You should have enough to get you started nowsmiley - smiley

Well i'll let you explore the links i have selected for you. But if you need any assistance then dont hesitate to ask me, to do this you can either click reply to this message at the bottom, or.. click on my name
Before i go i would like to invite you to come along to my page at U220962 where we can have a natter over smiley - coffee and smiley - cake , see you soon .smiley - biggrin

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

A visit from your ACE...

Post 2

cartoon junkie

smiley - eureka Thanks for the heads upsmiley - ta Now i will try and live up to the high standards I see all around me. Have even decided on nicknamesmiley - biggrin. Please listen for my loud screans of frustration.

smiley - cheers Cartoon junkie

A visit from your ACE...

Post 3

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

hI cartoon junkiesmiley - biggrin nice nick name,take it you like the cartoons?? smiley - biggrin But dont we all.smiley - biggrin

You are welcome,and i hope you find the links very useful that i selected for you..
If you do need any more assistance then please give me a shoutsmiley - biggrin i will be only to happy to help.smiley - rainbow

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

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