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found you

Post 21


In october thiers a meet in bradford. look at my space for info its under meet new researchers. im not happy about char been upset but i will sort it when she comes home. x

found you

Post 22


i wouldn't mind goin... dunno about k tho!
have u tried texting him & telling him not to upset her? xx

found you

Post 23


hello well ive been pub, pub,pub who the hell cud blame me. when u two at home i will come over if thats ok.. smiley - smiley

found you

Post 24


ok with me smiley - smiley
just say when!
smiley - rose x

found you

Post 25


i went t argos tday & they had gazboos 20... im off t morecambe 2mor 4 2 days on my own... u ok? smiley - drunk

found you

Post 26


hiya k smiley - smiley
im ok smiley - ta
just tired at mo! loads of work on & working away too!
didnt get home today til 22:45 from dudley & gotta go back tomoz

enjoy ur trip to morecambe tomoz smiley - smiley
so whats char doing while ur away? she gonna stay at friends?

chat again soon
t/c & enjoy ur break
jim smiley - rose xx smiley - smiley

found you

Post 27


mornin, i got completly hammered & danced way into the small hrs.went southport too that was quiet & lovely. i really let myself go feel better in myself. char had hse t herself, my dad popped in t see her. dont u b doing silly hrs its no good. xxx

found you

Post 28


i c ur back then smiley - smiley
glad ur feeling better, told u to go & visit some friends

as for silly hrs, we're just really busy this month. already done nearly 80 hrs this week, & gotta work tomoz too smiley - steam
so did char behave... no parties? lmao

gotta go... dinner's ready!
catch u later
jim smiley - rose xx

found you

Post 29


well she didnt have parties but my bottle of rum has gone!!! went bac t work mon, my shop had been altered spent a day tryin t change it bac. im workin over wkend. off t halifax sat nite wiv lass from work.. xxx smiley - stiffdrink

found you

Post 30


well she didnt have parties but my bottle of rum has gone!!! went bac t work mon, my shop had been altered spent a day tryin t change it bac. im workin over wkend. off t halifax sat nite wiv lass from work.. xxx smiley - stiffdrink

found you

Post 31


so didn't u ask where the bottle got to?
as if u'd get a proper answer! lmao smiley - laugh
im working away sat in barnet, north london.
im only fitting a counter, which takes about 2 hrs from getting there to leaving!
most of these jobs take longer travelling than the job itself! lol
maybe we'll c u in town, depending on when i get back

c u then
jim smiley - rose xx

found you

Post 32


i will look out for u... i'll b dancin smiley - smiley x

found you

Post 33


have u been workin hard? not heard from u.. say hi t k for me smiley - smiley

found you

Post 34


hiya karen smiley - smiley
yeah, been really busy last few weeks smiley - steam
the last 3 weeks have been 81, 86 & 87 hrs!
its now 12:30 & ive just got home to get couple of hrs sleep cos been at work since 7am yesterday
gotta be back at 6 to load for tomorrow, off back to bull ring (birmingham) at 4am

how was saturday in hx?
soz i couldn't make it, but was working late

take care
jim smiley - rose xx

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