This is the Message Centre for Crazy Mike

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Post 1


Hi Mike,
I randomly came upon your Personal Space, and decided to say hi smiley - smiley

Then, I read it, and decided to offer my help with the GuideML stuff, or the editing process or whatever. I do Sub-editing, so I'm /supposed/ to know about things like that smiley - winkeye

Oh, and UserDetails?unregcmd=yes might help you get the password to your old account.


Here to help :)

Post 2


Or maybe even <./>UserDetails?unregcmd=yes</.>

Here to help :)

Post 3

Crazy Mike

Ooh, cool!

That's very kind of you.smiley - cheers

To be honest, I've sort of moved on from my old account, new me, new account, that sort of thing. I tried getting the password back, but seeing as I couldn't remember my UserID, ResearcherID or anything I was a bit stuck. That'll teach me to try and be clever!

Now then. GuideML. I think you might be able to help me with something. I'm not sure, but I think I've seen somewhere around someone who's done strikethrough text (with a line through - I think that's what it's called). Only trouble is, I can't remember where I saw it and I can't find much about it on the help pages.... Any ideas?

And, while you're here, have you looked at my entry on tents? I knocked it out (if that's the right phrase...smiley - biggrin) in about half an hour, so I'd be interested in a professional view of it.

Anyway, cheers for dropping in!



Here to help :)

Post 4


I'm on my seventh account. I know what you mean smiley - biggrin.

I've seen strikethrough (or out, or whatever it is. I forget as well) somewhere as well. I'll go look for it. It's a HTML thing rather than a GuideML thing, so it isn't in the help pages.

I'll take a look smiley - smiley


Here to help :)

Post 5


My HTML reference thing says it's , and that it's called strikethrough text smiley - smiley

I'm looking at your entry now...

Here to help :)

Post 6


OK, I'll start with the GuideML things, because they're nice and simple:

* Change to . ALIGN="LEFT" isn't needed, cause it's the default.

* s split up documents. s split up parts of blocks. In other words, use s for the 'Step...' headers.

* Take POPUP=1 out of the tag. Again, not needed.

* Take the tags out of 'Step One''s bulleted list. It's a House Style thing smiley - erm...

* At the very end of the article, remove the and put 'Happy Camping!' inside tags.

Apart from that, it's great smiley - ok. I'll go take a look at the words now smiley - smiley

Here to help :)

Post 7


'Most of my experience'

Change to third person - something nice and formal (and stupid, but that's life...) like 'Most of this author's experience'. Or, just change to 'This entry focuses on the Stormahven variety, although most...'

'The main tent.This will be the...'
Should be something like:
'The Main Tent: This will be the...'

Rather gratuitous use of the word 'erection': leave it in smiley - smiley

That's about it smiley - smiley. There're a few small things (spelling, grammer, etc) in there, but you'll easily get this entry though Peer Review!

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