This is the Message Centre for Greeneyed.Girl.

Hi there Green eyed girl!

Post 1


The name is Sean hun,and am 34 from Shropshire.Used to be on l.d.too(Black~Jack(M.)was mmy username on there.And if you would like to chat sometime,please do post me back.Hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes,Seansmiley - rose

Hi there Green eyed girl!

Post 2


Hi there babes....I think i recognise your user name from l.d.smiley - biggrin Hows u?smiley - rainbow Im 27 f from Glasgow, another smiley - planet from u eh?smiley - divaSo tell me about urself pleasesmiley - kiss..R u in a relationship kids etc? Iv a bfsmiley - love, and a daughter who is 3...Speak soon soon i hope..x

Hi there Green eyed girl!

Post 3


Hi there babes....I think i recognise your user name from l.d.smiley - biggrin Hows u?smiley - rainbow Im 27 f from Glasgow, another smiley - planet from u eh?smiley - divaSo tell me about urself pleasesmiley - kiss..R u in a relationship kids etc? Iv a bfsmiley - love, and a daughter who is 3...Speak soon soon i hope..x

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