This is the Message Centre for Greeneyed.Girl.

G was here

Post 1


Hey I see you havent got me on your friends list yet..Its no wonder you cant find me.
Iv'e a strange feeling that I shouldnt hold my breath for an answer here babe....
Ok wishing you well..smiley - cheers
Get a Gripsmiley - martiansmile

budies list?

Post 2


smiley - bigeyessmiley - kisshi babes iv not a clue about this web site yet so bare with put ya on me buddies list just now...listen is ur email changed coz i keep gettin my mail returned? why did u think that sooner or later we would stop chatting?....did i tell u im off the hash n on a fitness regime? lifting weights n allsorts.ffs.....if ur here can u answer?lmto..xxxxxxsmiley - biggrin

budies list?

Post 3


im here.smiley - smiley
emails still the same Gsmiley - hug
I'll go check soon..sounds as if the problems on your sidesmiley - blue
cos you got mine..

smiley - martiansmile

budies list?

Post 4


everything is visible and permanent here babe....smiley - hug
im off to gym tomorrow s'posed to
smiley - smiley


Post 5


UR TOO OLD FOR THE GYM ...LOL .......smiley - kiss how do i add u to my friends coz i aint got a clue?


Post 6


theres always a first
just click on the blue writing with my name on it and you should get to my userpage,then on the right you will see add to friends .smiley - smiley


Post 7


smiley - smiley

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