This is the Message Centre for Greeneyed.Girl.

Hi stranger

Post 1


smiley - sorry I haven't answered sooner but I lost that username yonks ago!click on this name if you wanna go my newspace Gill.Ive missed our wee chats.Glad that you sound happy..G
smiley - hugsmiley - lovesmiley - cheers
smiley - martiansmile

Hi stranger

Post 2


hello pc keeps crashing wen i reply to ya on her.....ffs...hows u babes?

Hi stranger

Post 3


i see yer online ya pissed,,,,,i got me bf and one of me mates i aint seen in 5 years here,,,,,we all pissed u?

Hi stranger

Post 4


OOooh well I see nothing changes then..lmao..smiley - biggrin
I'm fine babes smiley - ta
Well as good as can be expectedsmiley - smiley
It's so nice to hear from you againsmiley - hug
smiley - martiansmile
ps.Did you like me u/page?

Hi stranger

Post 5


babessmiley - biggrin u still here........r u really glad to hear from me?smiley - smiley

Hi stranger

Post 6


smiley - boing im wasted nowsmiley - biggrin i bet i~ll be smiley - ill with all the smiley - ale in the great smiley - ta im gettin ignored now smiley - blue mens talk ......ffs..........hows u?

Hi stranger

Post 7


smiley - boing hey im getting the hang of the smiley - biggrin now aint i?

Hi stranger

Post 8


smiley - blue

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