This is the Message Centre for Greeneyed.Girl.

Hi Greeneyed.Girl....

Post 1


Hi Greeneyed.Girl

I see that you have had a visit from Owlatron *waves to Owlatron*
Well I thought I would Welcome you to H2G2 as well, my name is manda (well its not really but that's another story) I am from Wolverhampton, I am another "<./>ACE</.>", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around

If you are on a Digibox, then you will find that it is easier to get around it you use the "PLAIN" skin ( background colour ), If you go HERE >> : :
And select the plain skin, I think you will find it a lot better, and if you go HERE >> A948602 it will tell you all about it

Why not pop over to the Lders home page HERE >> U201567 ,where you will always be welcome.
Or have a look at the list of other Lders HERE >> A814303 ,
And why not pop over to the FoLDers Arms HERE >> A913150 ( Lders own Bar smiley - winkeye ) were you will always be made welcome

or you might like to look at the <./>FRONTPAGE</.> (there are a lot of links on the right of that page )

Or the PeerReview

If you click HERE >> U193090 it will take you to my page, were you will find that I have put some links to other places that I thought you might find interesting, including the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> page that is all ways a good place to start

If you have any questions or just what to talk then don't hesitate to leave me a message on my page or click on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page

Have some smiley - cake and a cup of smiley - tea to keep you going.

Speak to you later smiley - ok

Manda smiley - peacedove

Hi Greeneyed.Girl....

Post 2


oooohhh manda u sound for the on a pc tho so wots the best skin to use?..x

Hi Greeneyed.Girl....

Post 3


Hi Greeneyed.Girl. smiley - ok

Nice to hear from you smiley - smiley

as you are on a PC then it don't matter which skin you go in,

I like the brunel skin my self, it has got a lot of nice gadgits smiley - winkeye

if you pop over to he FoLDers Arm, then you can have the fist smiley - bubbly on me smiley - smooch

manda smiley - peacedove

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