This is the Message Centre for (funlad)

hi funlad

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

hi funlad i hope youre keeping well. i am sorry i made a spelling mistake in your name in my last posting. even though i am 40 i do not look older than a 18 year old.smiley - smiley


hi funlad

Post 2


hiya darlin its okay im fine i like older women whats ur email addy ill email ya and have fun if ya wonna xxx

hi funlad

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

funlad i have 3 emails addys one activemail, one hotmail and the other one yahoo.smiley - smiley

i have been mistaken for a teenager twice this year. i was nearly refused alcohol in a shop as they thought i was 17 year old. i have even seen 6th formers look older than me.smiley - smiley


hi funlad

Post 4


ohrite can u email me on [email protected] so u look really young then good xxx

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