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hi it's flowerofscotland

Post 41


i was at my bf's last mon-wed n since then ive been at work constant!!ive even got work 2day i start at 2pm-8pm n it's a bank holiday here in Scotland aswell!!!did u catch any fish then?i like tennis aswell been watching abit when ive had time so u play tennis too???cool xxxx

hi it's flowerofscotland

Post 42


yeah i catch fish every time i go i catched a 21 pounds carp and yeah ive been watchin the tennis

hi it's flowerofscotland

Post 43


cool most ov the time when my brother goes fishing that all he goes out for is the carp he says theyre the best to catch xx

hi it's flowerofscotland

Post 44


the reason every1 goes fishing 4 them is because they are hard to catch and they get really big

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