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Hi Heather.....
flowerofscotland2 Posted Jul 10, 2003
ive not been up2 much since LD really i have 1 thing to thank LD for ive got my bf for life from that site!weve known each other 3 n half yrs thru LD emails etc n weve now been 2gether 5months as a couple so wot was ur name on LD n did we ever talk???xxxx
Hi Heather.....
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 10, 2003
Yeah we kinda did talk! My names were AngelicWitch, Angel.Of.Goodness, Renergade^D.P.G^-Slayer etc etc, I
know you chatted to a really good
friend of mine his name was thirissa.sunset do you remember? Say who did you get with then? just nosey lolx
Hi Heather.....
flowerofscotland2 Posted Jul 10, 2003
yeah i luved chatting wi him not heard fae him in ages tho!!ive still got the number in my fone which he gave me but he's never ever txtd me back again or that hope he's well yeah i think we talked a few times i got with 1.of.the.good.guys do u mind ov him? xx nice meeting u again xx
Hi Heather.....
flowerofscotland2 Posted Jul 16, 2003
yeah we did fall out as she tried to accuse me of trying to have her bf basically!!when i started talking wi david i was wi sum1 n he knew that i only ever wanted to b friends wi him n thats it nowt else i had a bf at the time my fella the now is from Wigan but id rather not state his name as he mite not want me giving it out ok xxxx
Hi Heather.....
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 16, 2003
but as you would know people get really jealous over pathetically odd and stupid things! do you have any plans for today? im going shopping for magazines and clothes as im going on holiday with david very soon, have you or are you going on holiday?
do you have email?
Hi Heather.....
flowerofscotland2 Posted Jul 16, 2003
think i mite sunbathe for a bit n top me tan up!lol im going away in 3weeks time to Spain n yeah i have email r u going out wi david now then???i miss talking wi him he's a nice guy fae when we talked on LD xxxx
Hi Heather.....
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 17, 2003
I'm going to appologised to you now for the way I acted back then on LD, I am honestly so for accusing you of trying to get with David! my email address is [email protected]
I hope you can forgive me
please please dont be
mad at me!
Hi Heather.....
flowerofscotland2 Posted Jul 17, 2003
it's ok look ppl say thing do things u know u obviously thought i was after david n i wasnt i knew he had a gf he told me n i had a bf which he knew aswell all i wanted was friendship wi david wich ive now lost as he never replies to my txts!but hey ppl change i know i have ive growen up alot since LD went offline at crimbo ppl move on n i have but dont worry i forgive u for acting the way u did like i said ppl say n do things they now wish they didnt
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Hi Heather.....
- 1: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 8, 2003)
- 2: flowerofscotland2 (Jul 10, 2003)
- 3: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 10, 2003)
- 4: flowerofscotland2 (Jul 10, 2003)
- 5: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 13, 2003)
- 6: flowerofscotland2 (Jul 16, 2003)
- 7: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 16, 2003)
- 8: flowerofscotland2 (Jul 16, 2003)
- 9: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 17, 2003)
- 10: flowerofscotland2 (Jul 17, 2003)
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