Journal Entries

April Fools Recap

Well April Fools was okay, i got my whole family this morning! They were so easy, i got some people at school, but it was harder cause they were ready and they knew when it was an april fools joke. In english Mr. Gabrio pulled a trick. On the over head where he has what we are doing today, he said we were have a pop quiz, then silent reading, then collect homework even though we had none, then anne frank final, then reading in english book pages 18-200 then questions 1-25! then pop quiz number 2! Then at the end he says making small gurgling noises, then for the quote of the day it said in small print, "you are all fools, yo!" From the great Gabby. It was all a joke, but it was really good i think. Then in Math Mr. Sander told us a joke- a guy is riding a horse with his girlfriend, the horse trips once and the man on the horse says, "that is one." Then later on it trips again and the man says, "that is two." After a little while the horse trips again and then the man says, "that is three." then gets off his horse and shoots the horse until it is dead. Then his girlfriend says shocked, "Why did yo do that to the pore horse, it was a very good horse!" Then the man says, "that is one..." the joke ends there, but you get my point, it was very funny... LOL Happy April Fools Day!

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2004

April Fools Recap

Well today was okay, i got my whole family this morning! They were so easy, i got some people at school, but it was harder cause they were ready and they knew when it was an april fools joke. In english Mr. Gabrio pulled a trick. On the over head where he has what we are doing today, he said we were have a pop quiz, then silent reading, then collect homework even though we had none, then anne frank final, then reading in english book pages 18-200 then questions 1-25! then pop quiz number 2! Then at the end he says making small gurgling noises, then for the quote of the day it said in small print, "you are all fools, yo!" From the great Gabby. It was all a joke, but it was really good i think. Then in Math Mr. Sander told us a joke- a guy is riding a horse with his girlfriend, the horse trips once and the man on the horse says, "that is one." Then later on it trips again and the man says, "that is two." After a little while the horse trips again and then the man says, "that is three." then gets off his horse and shoots the horse until it is dead. Then his girlfriend says shocked, "Why did yo do that to the pore horse, it was a very good horse!" Then the man says, "that is one..." the joke ends there, but you get my point, it was very funny... LOL Happy April Fools Day!

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2004

It Has Been Great

Well this coming April i plan to stop updating this H2G2.... It has been fun i have been a member on this great site since May 16, 2003! And i tell you it has been great!

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Latest reply: Mar 11, 2004

2004 Is Here Already!

Well it is the last day of 2003 i need to get a lot of things done before the year ends. Like edit un edited movies i made this year and update my websites that i have including this one. There is a chance though that i won't be updating my H2G2 profile that much anymore. Just been to busy so i hope you enjoy! Hello 2004!

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2003

Christmas 2003

This is what happened on Christmas Day... Pretend that i wrote it on Christmas night...

Well today went great! I got a lot of presents everyone was joyful and i guess i didn't film as much as i wanted to, but i filmed enough. I got counter strike for the xbox, i got a gamecube from jeff which is really cool. And i got other little things too. Everyone had fun opening their presents, we first ate breakfast then opened presents then talked. We didn't get to play any sports today. Jeff and i headed out to his apartment after he played a game of pienocle and we were going to get the xbox but forget it, because we were doing music stuff and looking at the G5 which rocks! Then we headed back and then remembered about the xbox but it was too late. So we didn't get it and when we got there, it was boring, no one wanted to do anything. I really wanted to play pienocle, but mostly everyone was sleeping or getting dinner ready. About 30 minutes later we ate and afterwards we got to play pienocle. I was on Jeff's team vs. Katrina and Paul, we won a few and so did they. Then Jeff left and GP took his place for a while, we won a lot and then GP got tired, this was around like 6 and my dad took his place and later on my mom went home so we got a ride form paul. They won the game Paul and Katrina, we played 16 hands, it was a good game. Then we left around 8:30 and when we left it was snowing!!! I got home just a few minutes ago and now i have to get packed to go to the cabin with Brian and my family for 3 days, so i better go Bye! Merry Christmas!

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2003

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