Journal Entries
Halo 2!
Posted Nov 10, 2004
Halo 2 is finally out in stores! Too bad though i was not able to pre-order it and now i will have to wait a while because it will probably be sold out wherever i go! I can't wait to get it though! It is going to be so awesome! (Hope they make a 3rd one! I bet they will!)
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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2004
Last Soccer Game
Posted Nov 10, 2004
Well on Nov 7th i had my last soccer game for outdoor. We tied 1-1 and man was it a rough game. The other team pushed all the time and made a lot of dangerous plays, but yet the ref didn't call any of them. The ref was terrible, but at least we didn't lose. Then after the game we went to have our soccer party of a mexican food place. I didn't eat because i had Sunday Dinner tonight like i always do every sunday. If you don't know what Sunday Dinner is, well it is where the family gathers at my grandparents house every sunday for dinner. I will write up an entry on Sunday dinner soon. O and we start indoor soccer this week! INDOOR RULES! I can't wait!
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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2004
School Life
Posted Nov 2, 2004
Well let me explain my life at school. So my day starts off like this. I get up at 7:00 am cause i kind of sleep in. I et up, take a shower, don't eat anything and get ready. Then i leave at 7:25 and wait at my bus stop with a few other people until like 7:35 and then we get picked up and we are driven to school, which takes us about 10 to 15 minutes. Then i go to my locker and unload my things and go to House and then go to the library and hang out with my friends.
Then after house, which ends at 8:15 i go to first period, which is Spanish. Spanish is a great language and easy to learn, but the teacher doesn't make it any more easier for us, and it is a girl. Aren't girls suppose to be nice? Well not this one and a few others i will leave nameless. Then after Spanish which i like sleep through because it is still morning and i am so tired. If Spanish was like late in the day, yeah i would do fine, but it is not. Then i head off to math where we get to use graphing calculators which are sweet cause you can play games on them and stuff. The math right now is easy, but it will get harder. I should mention that Math is my worst subject. My best is like video, history and english probably. Then after math i go to 3rd period which is Science, which i like because we have a cool teacher, Mrs. Vincent who lets use listen to our mp3 players while doing work, which rocks. (I can't do that in any other class).
After science i go to lunch at 11:00 for 30 minutes then go to 4th for an hour. Classes are like 50 minutes each with 5 minutes in between, but this one is 60 cause of a 15 minute reading thing the district does. Then for 5th i have history, and that of course is easy cause i love history. Very interesting stuff happened back then, you should all learn about it if you haven't already. Then 6th, my like favorite period of all. Video, it is called Lion Channel. It is where we make videos and we air them on TV for the whole school to see. We go live and talk about events and news and then show videos and stuff. It is awesome and i love it! Then school ends at 2:35 and then i get on my bus and head home, which takes about 230 minutes. Then when i get home i probably and most likely get online and talk to friends and update my sites. Well that is like a normal weekday for me. I will probably have an entry that talks about what i do for the day on weekends, but that will come later.
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2004
Posted Nov 2, 2004
Well i am not much for politics, but i know that the election for President is coming up and plus a lot of other things. I don't really know who i want for President right now, but then again i can't vote again, but if i did i would probably vote for Bush, because i have gotten use to the way he operates and i don't think Kerry would be as good. I am mostly a Republican, but sometimes i switch around because of the candidates that are running. I choose the better of the two, i don't choose by party, it is too confusing for me. So vote for Kerry for president!
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2004
Halloween `04
Posted Nov 2, 2004
Halloween yesterday was great! I went over to my friend's house and then Aaron and i went to Starbucks to meet the rest of the gang, which ended up to be like 15 poeple and some i knew from Elementary school! Then we headed out and got tons of candy and went to Starbucks and got drinks! It was awesome even though it was on the cold side. We continued to trick-o-treak for a while. We met up with some people and some of them got in a fight, it was cool. We walked around a lot and just talked. It was awesome! I can't wait to eat all my candy, which i have already done almost and i can't wait until next year!!!!!
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2004
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