Journal Entries

What a day yesterday

Well, i went for what i thought was my pre op medical and it turned out to be yet another consultation with the surgeon. He had a good look and said he aggreed with me that i was uneven. He said he would try his best to repair and correct my original. He was very nice, but then went on to say it may not work as it could just be skin that is loose!!! Who's he kidding phew! Anyway its worth another bash. I also told him I did not want to wake up this time as it was a very painful experience, so he has said he will up the seditave. I expected myself to get weighed etc, but he said i will have to come back on the 3rd Sept for that, but he then went on to say....'you are the same weight arn't you?' see i told you guys i knew he would say that. Anyway i just replied yes,'so you have maintained that weight since?' 'yes' gosh i lied!!! I will never go to heaven. Well up to the day before i was only 3/4lb up from when i first had the op, but on the day i gained an extra 2lb! but it is the wrong time and this always happens. So now at least i have until 3rd sept to get my weight back to what it was, so the panick is off for now. chow for now smiley - love Diane

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2003


Well i got the call and things are back to before, the date is the 19th Sept, but at 8am rather than the afternoon. Which could be a good omen as being the first one of the day means the surgeon wont be tired! Well lets not hope so. Now got my fingers crossed he can undo the mess he put me in the first place. My friend had the same surgeon and the same happened to her, she has been back and delighted with the results. We were operated on the same day.....must have been a bad day for him.
Well I see him tomorrow for my pre op medical so will let you all know what happens then. smiley - winkeye or ;(

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Latest reply: Aug 13, 2003

Oh No :(

Oh no after all this hard work i have just had a phone call that means my op is cancelled. I can't believe this. I have told them i am prepared to go in any time and the only date they can give me is 4th sept and i wont be here as i am away! They are ringing me back, but in the meantime i am sitting here with a very unhappy face. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2003


Well i have just worked out i stand now at 37 1/4lbs lighter than i did on March 25th, and boy does it feel great!! Another 3lbs and I am calling it a day.....i think. If not then i may just opt for 6lbs, as then i will be the same weight i was 21years ago when i got married. At the time when i started losing weight it felt like a mmmoth task and Aug seemed so very far away but the time has flew by, this i put down to the help and support i have received from you guys. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and picking me up when i felt so low. May i be there for you all too, so if any of you are having a hard time let me know. smiley - love Diane smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2003

Todays ok

Ok i think the computer is now sorted, things are looking better. My weight is getting better i now have 3 1/2 - 5 1/2lbs to lose for the 14th august, with extra effoet i should beable to do that. That is my pre op medical day! Gulp!

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2003

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Diane B

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