This is the Message Centre for Diane B

one line????

Post 1


hello there diane.....i had to pop ip in and pester you,,,,,hoping that we get just one line fro from you so i know youre okay.
well.i hope you have a lovely christmas,and a wonderful,healthy and hapy new year.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxxsmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - mistletoesmiley - smiley

one line????

Post 2

Diane B

Hi (((((Sal))))), arrr thank you for asking of me. I am ok....ish. I have not been on line very much lately as i am trying to recover from my eating disorder..which is not easy but not impossible. The shit hit the fan when i went under 8st, and hubby went mental, so with his help i am now trying my fact i have just had a bowl of soup and 2 rice cakes something during the last month i would not have had as i was not eating until 8pm at night. I have been to the docs had hospital check up etc etc and now await my referral to see a clinical physcologist that deals with eating disorders...i never though i would ever go through this again but shit happens i suppose. The funny thing is i am so busy with work its mental and the little time i have left for myself tends to be housework. I am very much looking forward to xmas though and thank you for all the nice smileys etc., I am out of date but will try this smiley - hollysmiley - xmastreesmiley - mistletoesmiley - snowmansmiley - santa now lets see what i guessed and which one will turn up he he, Lots of smiley - love Diane smiley - rose

one line????

Post 3


hi there diane...lovely to to hear from you.i am sorry that you havent had an appointment sems as as though the waiting is emdless ,doesnt it.i recall you saying the eating disorder had returned...i hop hope that you see someone who ho can help you soon smiley - love.i am SURE that you can overcome ime it,,you have done before,and you seem to be doing well .i ca cant say that i'm an authorityity on this sort of disorder,,but i know that youre strong,youve proved that ,all i cancan say is i hope things improve soon...and to let you know i am thinking ing of you.i will be here iif you need a chat ,take care of yourself,and do keep in touch ,wont you.maybe it would help if you found others that have been through the same experience....there re must be others on here that have been where you are now.why not post a threadead ,and see what respnse you to you soon.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs sal

one line????

Post 4

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi Diane-smiley - smiley
I have missed seeing you.

I see from reading the posts you've hit a bump in the road.
I hope you have some good things happening along side the troubles.
Take care of yourself.
I hope I can look forward to seeing you around soon.
smiley - peacedove

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