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Post 1


Hi Diane, how are you doing? Is the corset now history? Are you comfortable? Look forward to hearing the news. Ian

What's the latest?

Post 2

Diane B

God i wish!!!!! This sodding corset is now doing my head in, its like having a bloody boa constrictor strangulating my torso. He he it does make me look slimmer thoughm, that is until i take if off then all hell breaks loose!!!!!
How are you doing anyway. I am about 3lb off my latest goal now, but its slow going so it may take another couple of years before i get there smiley - sadface.
Got a funernal on Monday, a dear friend of mine passed away aged 46, no age, life is so unfair. A burial too which makes it even worse than it is now. i am going to make my own posy, something i feel makes it more personal, i have done a few now and getting quite good, done about 4 weddings and 3 funeral now.
Also got my reiki course on the 22nd October, i am really going to go into this holistic thing big time, as i feel it could be a good back p for my job and myself too. I am even thinking now of becoming a Bach Flower Pract., something else that is close to my heart i go cuckoo now i have lost my weight ohhhh errrr smiley - love Diane xxx

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Post 3


aha!!!hi diane i wondered where you had got to.i hope youre okay smiley - love.havent seen you around for what seems like ages now.i just read a little of your above posting,,,i love doing flowers,ive done them for years now,and as you say it seems to make it more personal.i used to do wedding and birthday cakes as well.but the arthritic fingers wont let me anymore.i still manage the flowers though!!!i am still trying the weight thng diane...i lost two pounds..then put one back...then got weighed at my daughters.......i think my scales are brokensmiley - soon i hope anyway.take care,smiley - lovesalxxx

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Post 4

Diane B

smiley - steamRight thats it i've had enough Ian!!!! I ain't treading on the Health and Nutrition board ever again!!! smiley - wahI break my own rules to give a supportive message to Susie, and i am totally ignored!!! And you get a mention!!!!! Typical!!! She mentions everybody whom has sent her a message bar me......i mean what have i done, so thats it i am green with smiley - envy goodbye creul world smiley - sadface...................................ok ok only kidding, but it has p****d me well off.

Still luv ya though smiley - love Diane x

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Post 5

smurfles havent replied to me diane!!!!!!dont be p***off smiley - loveit aint worth it!!!xxxx

What's the latest?

Post 6

Diane B

(((((Sal))))) smiley - sorry, I have had a rough few days, my emotions are pretty mixed up. I bury my friend today smiley - sadface, and i went on a site that both Ian and I go on, i just felt that i had been deliberatly blocked out. Its me i think i am being over sensitive, and little things are really getting to me. I don't want to cry at the funeral because i will have my daughter with me and i need to be strong for her, but i know i wont beable to hold back the tears. Yesterday i did a psy of white carnations, white roses, yellow roses and lillys, it looks lovely, but with each flower i placed in it a tear fell. i have also brought a couple of red roses for the burial, i can never throw soil on top, it feels as if i am throwing dirt on their coffin so i throw a single rose instead. All this also brings back memories of my nan smiley - love, and other family members which makes it even worse. i just want today out of the way.....god knows how her family are coping.

So smiley - sorry if i didnt reply to your message it was nothing personal, just me having a rant really, i didnt feel up to writing nices messages, and the only nice one i really wrote was to Susie because her mum has had a major heart attack and she has to fly off to Hong Kong to be wth her as it does not look good. I was thinking of her because of what we are going through.

So i hope i am forgiven smiley - sadfacesmiley - love Diane xxx

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Post 7


i was only joking smiley - love,dont give it another thought.i dont know who susie is ,but i hope all goes well for her.i am sure that if you have a good cry nobody will thinkthat youre not strong....i know ,because i lost my best friend of thirty years four years was dreadful.but i have some good memories of the things we did.your flowers sound beautiful,its just such a shame that theyre for such a sad event.i hope that her family are okay..they will give each other the strength they need to get by.i will chat to you soon,you know if you need a chat i'm never very far away.take care,god bless.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxx

What's the latest?

Post 8


Hi Diane, I still love you too, even though your still trussed up! I a bit hacked off myself, last week-end I walked about ten miles, up and down Lancashire hills, however I did have two tortillas and two pints of beer, and now I've weighed myself, I put on just over a kilo! Dagnabbit! Drat and double drat!

Anyway had a session with a trainer, had my bady fat etc checked, bought a heart monitor, got trained on how to lift weights, and got a program of exercises sorted out, so quite good news overall.

It was great having a hike up and down hills too. Corr I knew it though, I had aches that walking round Beds, which is as flat as a pancake, doesn't give you!

I'll put a post similar to this on the H and N board later on, to keep the team up to date.

Keep on keeping on!


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