This is the Message Centre for Diane B

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 1



Is this you?

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 2

Diane B

It all depends reveil yourself and i will tell you. Diane

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 3


smiley - biggrin

Sorry, didn't make myself clear there...

I'm not looking for you myself... it's just I happen to be subscribed to the "I'm new, what do I do" page and someone's posted there looking for someone called "Diane B"... if you follow the link in my first post you'll see what I'm getting at.

smiley - ok

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 4


It's me Diane, Bethy, I'm the one who's looking for you. Well, val really but I was the only one near a computer. Anyway, please be there!

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 5

Diane B

Thank you very much Whiskey, do you just realise that you have helped me find a very dear friend of mine whom i have been trying to contact personally for ages. Thank you, may i ever be of help....apart from computers as i am crap in that department!! Then feel free to ask smiley - lovesmiley - rose Diane xx

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 6


Aww, thanks smiley - biggrin

That's made my morning (and I haven't even had my coffee yet!)

Good luck
smiley - cheers

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 7

Diane B

I am just having a now, so how come you managed to get in contact like that you smiley - starsmiley - love Diane x

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 8


smiley - laugh
Simple, if you look at the top of this page you'll see a "search h2g2" box (not the search box in the grey BBCi toolbar, a little below that...)

Just beside the box is a link marked "advanced search"
If you click on that, you'll get sent to a page which gives you various search options... one of which is "search for a friend"

If you put your name in to the search box and click on "search for a friend" you get a list of all people called Diane B on h2g2... and surprisingly enough, there's only one of you smiley - winkeye

I think someone's looking for you...

Post 9

Diane B

smiley - wow i have just learned of something new!!! I have tried to do that but in a long way round way. Its a small world even if smiley - ufo's do exist!!! smiley - love Diane x

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