This is the Message Centre for Diane B

It's heavy man

Post 1


Hi Diane, missed you so much I've come over here! Gosh I'm so excited I haven't a clue what to talk about! Where do you park in an empty car park? Anyway I'm here now, so when I can think of something sensible to write I will. Oh hold on a second something sensible might take a heck of a long time, so you may have to allow me to talk a load of rubbish, as usual!

He he. I'm off to find Big Eric now, and a few of the other chums from the H and N board!

It's heavy man

Post 2

Diane B

I sent you reply to this message yesterday but i think the gremlins had it for their supper! Anyway i have sent you a message on another thread but i know you will find it smiley - love Diane x

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