This is the Message Centre for Diane B


Post 21

Diane B

Sal your story is heart wrenching. One day you will have to write a story to inspire others!! smiley - lovesmiley - love
I've had other problems with the NHS and private, i think i am just one of those unfrtunate people that things go wrong with. I am due for my next op on Sept 29th when i have re corective surgery....i had cosmetic surgery that went slightly wrong arghhhhhh i also woke up during the op, and now i have to go through it all again. Hopefully this time they may just get it right. Be aware i will be on the comp 24/7 then. I will be having about 1 week off work and wont beable to do much, so i will pass my time away on here. I bet the computer is your life line honey. It is contact with the outside world. Well I am on here quite often so now you have another friend too smiley - love and smiley - hugs Diane x


Post 22


thanks for that diane...i will be back online long before you have you sugerysmiley - sadface,so we will be able to chat away all day!!!!!i hope it all goes well for you,and surely you could do something about waking up whilst having surgery.i would have been a nervous wreck!!!!!it's almost time for me to gt myself sorted out,but i am going to pop back on before i go to bed.if i dont catcj you later,i'll look forward to seeing your story on the posting (i hope you 'll think about it).when i get back.take care of yourself.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxx


Post 23

Diane B

Ok Sal speak soon take care be here when you return smiley - love Diane x

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