This is the Message Centre for Diane B


Post 1


hi there diane.i just saw your name and thought i'd pop in and say hello.if you feel like a chat anytime,just drop by my space,help yourself to a smiley - tea,orsmiley - coffee,make yourself comfortable,and leave a message.hope you enjoy h2g2 as much as i do.smiley - lovesalx


Post 2

Diane B

Hi, I have been on this computer all morning!!! When i never had one i used to think how can people spend all day looking at a screen and now i can't pull myself away! Arghhhhhh. nice of you to pop in and say hello. thank you


Post 3


youre very welcome.smiley - biggrinsomeone should have warned you that this can become addictive!!!!we have a pc,but i cant use it,so i am on a digibox,but you can find yourself spending hours in the site,it really is very interesting.if you would like to have a look around my space feel free to help yourself,you might find something interesting in the messages there.bye for now,smiley - lovesal


Post 4

Diane B

Hi again, I had a look at your site, far betterthan mine, i am just a novice!
Can I ask you a question sal... I don't mean to be rude or nosey....well ok then i confess, but what is an id user?? Maybe i am just thick!!!
If you would rather not say thats fine smiley - winkeye


Post 5


you can ask me anyhting diane.honestly i dont mind.l/d was a site that a lot of people on here used to closed down earlier this year,much to the disappointment of many of us,as we lost touch with all our stood for leisure was similar to this site,but we also had private messaging,whereas in here everything is open .if you want to add smileys to your site then there is a list of them,just click on to the one at the end of this message,and it will take you there.if theres anything that you want to know,or that i can help you with just ask,no problem at all.smiley - lovesalsmiley - rosex


Post 6

Diane B

Am I stupid or what...dim wit!!! I thought it was some sort of addication. Well it could have been Internet Dependant!!! In divorce, Intravenous Drip, oh don't start me off! ha ha smiley - blushsmiley - run or even smiley - cracker 's


Post 7


when i first came on here i did some stupid things,and i mean least your thinking was logical,it could have been any of those things,i ought to warn you as well diane,when i'm tired and i'm messaging dont be surprised if the letters are all jumbled up,i make some awful mistakes!!!!!thought you'd better be warned!!!xxx


Post 8

Diane B

Hey don't worry i make them all the time, and now i have got to the point of i don't really care as long as people get my jist. And oh by the way you meant smiley - biggrin ha ha ha smiley - winkeyesmiley - love Diane


Post 9


awwww,how embarrasing...i couldnt believe i'd done that when i saw the mistake.well,i'm been very careful now,and i can hardly see the screen!!!i'm going to add you to my friends list if that's okay,i do hope so.have a good night and chat soon.take caresmiley - lovesal.smiley - biggrin(just had to check i could still do it properly!!xx


Post 10

Diane B

Morning Sal, yes that is fine you can add me if you want. That is something i also have tried to do but failed yet again. How do you add someone to your friend s list. I have read it and i cant seem to find the add bit. Take care speak soon love Diane


Post 11


good morning diane,you go the my space,and at the top of the page should be their researcher number and user name,its just below there,but thats on the digibox.if it isnt there on the pc ,let me know ,and i'll get my other half to look on the pc when he gets in.all you do is click on add to friends,and thats that(i think)!!!chat soon.smiley - lovesalxx


Post 12

Diane B

Sal sorry i have not got back as i have been at work. I am going to see family for a couple of days so will get back to you, when i return. Thank you for the info but have not got time to try it now, so will have a go later,. Love Diane


Post 13


hi diane,dont worry smiley - love.the info's there for when you ned it,if ive told you the right way??smiley - biggrini wont be online myself for a while,but look forward to chatting when i come back on.have a good time.smiley - lovesalxx


Post 14

Diane B

Thanx speak soon. You have a good one too. smiley - love Diane


Post 15

Diane B

Hi Sal, well I'm back how about you? We had a nice weekend and was grateful it did not rain as we were on motorbike!! Did you have a nice weekend? smiley - love Diane


Post 16


hello diane,i'm glad you had a good weekend,i think t does us all good to get a break away sometimes.ON MOTORBIKES!!!!uhoh!!the nearest i come to one of those is the wheelchair!!!!!!!!ive never ben adventurous when it comes to bikes,,,i cant even ride a push bike!!!!!xxxxx


Post 17

Diane B

I wouldn't beable to ride one myself as i havn't got the confidence, but i love to be pillion.
You meantioned wheelchair..... are you disabled yourself. I used to teach a disabled boy exercise, he was great!!


Post 18


HI DIANE smiley - sorry,i had to turn off and go out .my dughter called to take me to the hospital for new collars!!!i am disabled<love.,it's along story,but if you want to have a look,at the bottom of my space there a posting thats headed mis and dis diagnosis.i put everything down there a while ago.i have my grandaughter here just now,so i'm turning off,but i hope i'll catch you later on.i still think youre brave to get on a bike at all!!!!smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxx


Post 19

Diane B

WOW, Sal i have reat it. I have had bad mis diag from the NHS too. I alo had a car crash last year, i damaged my left kidney and dislocated my pelvis, and they also said i was fine and i could go home. For 6 months i was on pain killers and gained 3 stone, as i teach exercise and that had to stop. It was my doc who rec'd me go to this chiropractor, who told me what i had done and the fact was i had been trying to walk on it for 6mths making the damage worse. I am now alot better although it has taken some of my confidence away, and worry when i get the spasms as they are so painful. Like yourself i also get panic attacks, unless anyone has had one they really do not understand what they are like. I was in hospital for a week 2 years ago, in coronary care, i was told i have an eptopic heart beat...which means my heart beats normal for say 2 beats and then misses one. The panic attacks are brought on by stress, of which i have now mastered to a tee!! I go through fases where i am fine and then bang wholopp they start rearing their ugly heads yet once again.
Have you ever been able to take this further? I would.
Anyway chuck i must go soon as i have work and 2 clients to see. Take care Sal Love Diane xxx


Post 20


hiya diane,i am sooo sorry that you have had to go through all that,it doesnt seem fair does it?you should put your eoeriences on the thread,i think there must be more stories out there that are similar.ive never taken it any further it's too long ago now,and i just get on with the way things are......but i must admit i do have a moan on here sometimes.the panic attacks are horrible,and you have my sympathy,really,mine tend to come and go ,as yours do,but of course i suffer from depression when they start!!smiley - sadfacei hope you continue to improvesmiley - love,we'll have to chat more about it when i come back onine.take care,thanks for telling me your story.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxxx

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