This is the Message Centre for Diane B

She Doth Protest too Much

Post 1


I am such a thicko. I thought "I wonder who/what/why/" you know... about you, and never thought to refer to see if you had written a biog. Thankyou. You will now be spared loads of tedious questions from me.

I must seem a bit like an overenthusiastic puppy, but I am so pleased you found me! And all the nonsense about you not being so computer literate!

I have really enjoyed reading your posts on the Health noticeboard. I never realised that this was the nature of your consultancy! I am retired (early I hasten to add) due to ill-health brought on by stress at the workplace. In olden times, I suppose they would call it a nervous breakdown. I needed 18months counselling to get me to string more than seven words together - this in contrast to my previous post as Management Development and Training Manager for Littlewoods in Liverpool, and spending much of my time coaching executives on communication skills. Now - and you will be absolutely amazed to hear this - they have trouble shutting me up!

H2G2 is great. But I do find it a bit public for a good old chat. So I do hope to hear from you by e-mail. But I also accept it is very wise to be cautious : I have twice been pursued by over-enthusiastic stalker types (both male, dammit), and get rather fed up by the volume of Spam mail - half of which seems to know about my embarassing personal shortcomings, and the other half from college girls who want me to view their WebCams! Hence the caution with my "real" name and e-mail address(es).

But whatever your choice as to how (or whether) you want to carry on (oh bloody hell, I could have put that better!), let me assure you that I am a (very, very) fat 53 year old whose wife suffers from a rare disability : she appears not to see what I look like, and my only real complaint about her is that she is a teacher (which means nowadays that she spends most of her time doing Prep and Marking) and I don't get to see enough of her.

But smiley - cheers here's to a long and happy friendship. BigEric aka David.

She Doth Protest too Much

Post 2

Diane B

Oh my god this is getting soooooooo confusing, i have sent you a reply on the other message arghhh ....sorry dont know how to do that face yet!!! oh well i am sure we will become good friends, i love people with humor, laughter comes for free and there aint enough of it around smiley - winkeye opp it was meant to be a smiley - smiley. I really mean what i say though i will help you to lose weight if i can, think i need abit of help myself too though, wonder if i rang myself up, and make an appointment with me it may help! Anyway cant stay on too long as i still have the b.....y dining room to decorate!! hugs Diane x

She Doth Decorate too Much

Post 3


I am prepared to talk about anything. Personal, Intimate, potentially offensive, sensitive. Anything. But decorating smiley - yikes

Much Love, Big E smiley - loveblush X

She Doth Decorate too Much

Post 4

Diane B

Morning, just been to work so am back for a mo. I read from your biog that you worked in Liverpool, i too worked in Liverpool, and Birkenhead (thats a bit of a dump) i worked in a ladies only gym, but dont ask where all i know is it was in the city centre. I also worked in Manchester too. My brother lives there, but just moved so i am not quite sure where. One of my closest friends live in bacup (not how you spell it but it does sound like it looks). I live near Robin hood land, its very rural and pretty. We moved here to get away from the city troubles.... drugs for one, we had some problems with my son and felt we had to give him the best chance we could, its worked thank god, but at the time it put us through hell. I think i could have gone and had a break down myself, but instead it came as a major panic attack which left me unconscious for an hour! i was addmitted to the coronary care unit for a week, and now have an eptopic heart beat. I very rarely get panic attacks now but i can tell the ability is still there when i get stressed out. The human body is one weird thing!!! Anyway hope this is enough to get us started love Diane smiley - smiley

Common Ground

Post 5


Small world, isn't it.

Call me paranoid, but PLEASE send me an e-mail to [email protected]

We have lots to talk about and its much better away from the public gaze.

I have fond memories of opening a depot in Chesterfield, which is only just up the road from you. Lovely people down there. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Always assuming you are prepared to correspond with a wooly-back! smiley - yuk Big E smiley - loveblush X

sent u e mail

Post 6

Diane B

Ive sent you an e mail but not quite sure if you will receive it, please let me know love diane smiley - winkeye

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