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a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted May 17, 2015
thank you bobstafford, for letting me know you had passed by. I think I have seen you either on the word association thread or the limerick thread (or perhaps both)
I hope all is well in your world
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted May 17, 2015
Lots happening not all good and not all bad
but happening.
Cats all fine that's good one little horror made a snack out of a red squirrel today, just how do you show disapproval to a cat;
Cuckoos calling almost morning and evening every day over the last week that was pleasant to hear.
Travelling around a bit and keeping busy taking photos and the weather is dry
How are things with you all OK
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted May 17, 2015
I forgot to mention "I have an open and un-hectic mind about a wide variety of subjects. Try me, I might just surprise you!"
Now there's a challenge
Must try that if you have the time
a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted May 18, 2015
All well with me. Have just bought 60 square meters of extra garden, so busy sorting that out.
I have the time, if you have the inclination!
What part of the world are you from?
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted May 18, 2015
Time and inclination a plenty.
In order Kent, Hampshire, Staffordshire, Istanbul (1.5 hrs south) Mayenne
Where is your 60sqm of garden located.
a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted May 18, 2015
So - Istanbul (1.5 hours south) Mayenne, at the moment then. Are you working out there, or is this your permanent residence?
My house backs on to a road of bungalows. I have bought 6 metres of the end of my "end-of-garden" neighbours plot. However, because bungalow plots are wider, and I live in a house, the plot I have bought is wider than my own garden, making it a T-shape altogether. My garden is 6 metres wide, and the bungalow garden is 10 metres wide.
Already have four raised beds in place, but not even one-third of the plot covered. Lots of digging and weeding, planting, hoeing, sowing, organising - I am very happy but totally exhausted!
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted May 18, 2015
France is nice though very pleasant;
Raised beds hard work sounds nice watch out for Greek philosophers (think about it!) all that work love to hear how you get on.
History, photography and interesting things is my weakness gardening is good but not a passion though
a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted May 27, 2015
Hello there, sorry must have nodded off for a week!
Actually, I have been so busy in the garden, that I have been too kn**ckered to even turn the computer on these last few evenings.
I had a holiday in Kent about a month ago. Stayed in a lovely little hotel about 6 miles outside Canterbury. Have never really explored that part of the world before, although it is not all that far away from me. I loved sitting in the NT place above Dover harbour and watched the ferries loading freight for hours.
A lovely county!
Unlike you, I have barely moved at all. Childhood home, to temporary flat, to the house I have lived in for the last 46 years. Haven't beaten my Mum's record yet, though. She lived in her house for 91 years before she died!!
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted May 27, 2015
Kent is my home county it is unique in many ways where did you stay
a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted May 27, 2015
Howfield Manor Hotel, at Chartham Hatch.
Spent some days in Canterbury, and went round Margate and Ramsgate, took in a few farm shops and coffee shops, Dover, but didn't go to the castle (too busy watching the port!)
Enjoyed the drive through the countryside too.
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted May 27, 2015
Family home was in Faversham about 10 miles away glad you liked the county
a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted May 27, 2015
Good to speak to you bobstafford, but I am going to have to get some kip now as I have a busy day tomorrow. Will be back here on Thursday, have a good week.
a message to say I have been
Universal Granny Posted Aug 1, 2015
Two months since I was last on here! Doesn't time fly etc etc.....
Steam train holiday, Battle Proms at Blenheim Palace, more gardening,
hospital visiting, puppy walking, you name it, I've done it over those two months!
How's life with you?
a message to say I have been
bobstafford Posted Aug 1, 2015
Hello nice to hear from you hows the family will give you a pictorial guide
Wrote a brace(2) of entries took photographs bought a house (maybe) looking at another. Bought a tree and went for long walks, and drank wine
Spent time outside the UK looking around northern France as well.
Fairly quiet really
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a message to say I have been
- 1: bobstafford (May 17, 2015)
- 2: Universal Granny (May 17, 2015)
- 3: bobstafford (May 17, 2015)
- 4: bobstafford (May 17, 2015)
- 5: Universal Granny (May 18, 2015)
- 6: bobstafford (May 18, 2015)
- 7: Universal Granny (May 18, 2015)
- 8: bobstafford (May 18, 2015)
- 9: bobstafford (May 18, 2015)
- 10: bobstafford (May 27, 2015)
- 11: Universal Granny (May 27, 2015)
- 12: bobstafford (May 27, 2015)
- 13: Universal Granny (May 27, 2015)
- 14: bobstafford (May 27, 2015)
- 15: Universal Granny (May 27, 2015)
- 16: bobstafford (May 27, 2015)
- 17: Universal Granny (May 29, 2015)
- 18: bobstafford (May 29, 2015)
- 19: Universal Granny (Aug 1, 2015)
- 20: bobstafford (Aug 1, 2015)
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