This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny
Yoo Hoo
Moving On Started conversation Apr 27, 2009
I recognised the walk missis!
Lovely to catch a sighting of you UG! Drop in, pull up a chair, grab yourself a cuppa when you get time and inclination. I see you've retired (yay) and the grandchildren appear not only to have become older than I remember, but appear to have increased in number.....
It can't be *that long since we last chatted, surely?
It probably is Give us a shout when you're next in and we'll try to catch up a bit, eh?
Yoo Hoo
Universal Granny Posted Apr 27, 2009
Hi there!
I'd love to have a chat, but I am avoiding the phone at the moment. Too many horrible calls in the last year (mainly about someone dying or being terribly ill) and I have just re-visited my freakiness about the phone again.
I think I've got your e-mail address, haven't I. I'll go and have a look (well probably tomorrow morning by now as it is nearly 1 am) and we can chat that way.
You are so patient - thank you.
Take care UG
Yoo Hoo
Moving On Posted Apr 28, 2009
Got your email - and replied
Have you seen the new smilies yet? They're pretty cool - specially the one, and the
. Apparently we're 10 today.
I didn't feel a thing!
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