This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny

Just popped in

Post 1

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Hi - hope your'esmiley - ok

Just popped in

Post 2

Universal Granny

Hello GA! smiley - hug

I'm fine - but somewhat exhausted! I was up for work at 0315 this morning, (yes, I do work on a Saturday)... finished work at 1430, collected someone from our LD club and took her to join the others at a disco held by another LD club in the district.... left there at 1800, got home, did a quick change and was out again to a quiz night by 1915, from which I have just returned, and upon reading my e-mails find that I have become a great auntie once again! It's all too exhausting!!

I am never likely to see my new great-nephew because as soon as he is settled and thriving, they are all going to return to Australia from whence my neice's husband comes. At the moment they live in Southern Ireland, and it is possible they may come to England just before their journey begins, but once they reach Australia, they will not return here.

However, there hangs the wonder of e-mail, so I shall keep in touch.

How was your day, GA?

smiley - hugUG

Just popped in

Post 3

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

My broadband keeps crashing so I've just caught up. Having a CRAFT moment - Can't Remember Anything All the Flippin Time!

Yesterday - a blur.

Today - Removed glass from side panel and fitted a cat flap for my step son and fiancee. Gave us sunday lunch, at tea time as a thank you. Oh yes! me other half had a go at their bit of garden. Nice and tidy now.

Tommorrow I work all day with a LD group of ceramic artists. Brilliant.

Nice chatting but its getting late Buyeeeee smiley - hugsmiley - hug

Just popped in

Post 4

Universal Granny

Your step-son and his fiancee visit you through a cat flap!!smiley - yikessmiley - weird

"Tommorrow I work all day with a LD group of ceramic artists. Brilliant" And aren't they just - brilliant, I mean.

We have a centre just across the park from me, which was originally built as a workshop for PD and LD users. It is not used in that way any more, but many of them developed a taste for ceramics and continued at the local adult education centre. Their work is amazing.

The woodwork faction also continues under the auspices of the adult education centre and between them they put on an excellent fair of their crafts every summer, which is generally sold out by the end of the weekend.

Great stuff - hope you have a good day.

smiley - hugUG

Just popped in

Post 5

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Re: Cat Flap....heeeeheeeeeee!

We seem to have quite a bit in common, but I'm glad I don't have to get up as early as you do.

I do my own pottery work on tuesday evenings with the very talented lass who runs the LD ceramic artist group so I catch up on Wed.

Can I put you on my friend list?smiley - ok

smiley - hugsmiley - hugGA

Just popped in

Post 6

Universal Granny

I would be honoured GA, and will immediately add you to mine if that is OK.

I'm glad you've found S.H.A.D.O.W. too. When I first registered on H2G2 I was not sure how to go about entering conversations, so I clicked on the "Who's online" button to get inspiration.

The first thing I saw was Tefkat S.H.A.D.O.W. and so I clicked on there because I had just lost my dog Shadow and it seemed like an omen. They have been good friends to me, and I enjoy popping in and out of there.

You do realise that, apart from Pinky and Prof's den, there are other areas to explore? The Tennis Courts, the Games Room, ... just go to the top of the page and just under where it says "Who wants to be on the Committee" will be two lines in orange writing. Each time you click on one of these to be taken to a different area, you will see another one appear.

Oh, got to go, grandson arriving to show me his new Nintendo DS he got for his birthday on Sunday!

Speak to you soon!

smiley - hugUG

Just popped in

Post 7

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

I'm following you round tonight. Have you found the Groan Joke Conversation?

I've been down the allotment and done some tidying, its been too wet for anything else.Lovely in the sun though. Hope you got to enjoy some as well.

Dentist in the morningsmiley - wahsmiley - run

TaTa GAsmiley - hug

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