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Uni Granny
Pal-ladin Started conversation Mar 8, 2007
Hello there,I was just browsing and started to read your intr. Anybody that wants to drive an 18 wheeler truck gets my vote.I live in the North East of England and would like to here more from you.I'm a granddad so weve something in common anyway apart from trucks. Are you iterested in America?,I am. Hoping to hear from you.
Uni Granny
Universal Granny Posted Mar 12, 2007
Hi Pal-adin, sorry I have not replied before, but somehow this posting slipped down my listings a bit and out of sight.
The 18-wheeler truck has been a dream ever since I was a teenager, but it will never be now - not because I possibly couldn't persaude someone to give me a go, but because my knees would not get up into the cab!!
I think I would like America, but I am also not a traveller. I enjoy travellers tales, and listen avidly to anyone who has been abroad and has interesting stories to tell (not, "and then I paddled in the sea and had a tequila on the patio", more, "and then we went on a donkey down the side of the Grand Canyon during a raging thunderstorm"!)
How many grandchildren do you have? I have four ranging from 2 to 8 years old. They are, of course, all little angels, but some more than others!
Once again, sorry about the delay in reply
Uni Granny
Pal-ladin Posted Mar 15, 2007
Hello Universal Granny ,
Never mind the 18 wheeler,we can all dream can't we. I have two grandchildren, a girl aged 16 and a boy aged 12, they mostly do their own thing now. I'm on holiday now and we are going to Spain for a week on Sunday. We go every year along with another two couples, a bit of sun, a laugh and a few drinks. If anything out of the ordinary happens I will tell you about it when I next drop you a line.
Uni Granny
Universal Granny Posted Mar 15, 2007
Look forward to it. Have a great trip and a really good time.
Hear from you soon
Uni Granny
Pal-ladin Posted Mar 27, 2007
Hello UG.
Been away come back, nothing drastic to report.I did get my foot caught between two chair legs on trying to get up to leave the night club, causing me to slip and my right foot to go backwards under me. The rest of the party thought this was hilarious and said I was drunk. I said I can still see five of you lot, Im not seeing double.The weather was hot and got hotter as the week went on, hotel was good, food was excellent.How are things with you?.Anything exciting happened? I'll sign off now, just done a 12 hour night shift, going to bed now.
Uni Granny
Universal Granny Posted Apr 9, 2007
Ugh! Night shifts! Tell me about them! My sympathies are with you!
Glad you had a good holiday, despite the extra "trip", you sound chirpy enough after it.
Nothing too exciting here - bereavement, dealt with it, moved on. Nobody that has been close for the last ten years, but was at one time. She has been "dead" to us for that long with dementia and to be honest it was a welcome release.
Not been on for a while, so am going to potter about a bit.
Take care
Uni Granny
Pal-ladin Posted Apr 18, 2007
How is everything with you?.
You should be about to start work according to your intro page.It's 0300 here and i'm at work.What sort of work takes you out this early?.
My grandkids have gone back to school this week, cant remember having as much time off when I went to school, but people keep saying yes you did.Has the weather been good where you are, it's been great here in the north east.I'm going to have a now, you have a good day.
Write soon
Uni Granny
Universal Granny Posted Mar 16, 2009
Hello Palladin, are you still about? I haven't been on for ages, and when I last logged in, in December last year, I was interrupted by a family emergency and never got back to the session!
In answer to your question, what took me out so early in the morning to work - I worked for Royal Mail (postie). But notice the past tense. I managed to retire last October, and so I no longer have to get up that early.
If you're still on Hootoo, let me know how you are getting on, and any news you have. I have resolved to be on here a bit more often now I have the time, so I promise I won't leave it this long again before you get a reply.
Take care, UG
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Uni Granny
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