This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny
get well soon
smurfles Posted Nov 21, 2003
hi there ug,i am that at you arent too good.i havent been around as much myself,not been too healthy,which explains why i didnt know earlier,i hope you feel lots better very soon.take care,hope to chat soon.
get well soon
Universal Granny Posted Nov 25, 2003
Hello Tabitca, Smurfles
Thank you for your messages, sorry I have not been back to you before now, been a bit poorly. Still not 100%, get exhausted very quickly - good excuse to lie down though!
Doc has run some tests, but nothing conclusive.
I hope your househunting goes well for you Tabitca, rotten time of year for that, isn't it? Rattin' cats sound well! My cat used to bring in rats nearly every day and I used to complain, then I thought what it would be like if all those rats had been allowed to live!! I would have needed the Pied Piper of Hamlin to get rid of them. They mainly frequented the neighbourhood courtesy of my neighbour's chickens and the local stream. Now he's too old to catch them I wonder where they are all lurking
I have enjoyed your Memory Lane thread, Smurfles, so much on there I remember - so much I want to forget!!!
Will have to go now, energy fading
TAke care UG
get well soon
smurfles Posted Nov 25, 2003
aawwww ug,heres a e>for you,,u,,i hope yoe you soon have more energy,and tht the tests reveal your is sooo unlike you not to have energy.i am concerned.i hope the the bad memories werent nt too often in the had has been great fun..ive really enjoyed it.take care f yourselself..look forward to more postingings as you improve.<lo
s salxxxx
get well soon
smurfles Posted Dec 5, 2003
hi therhere gran,,,and thank you for posting to the memory lane are you????ido hope that youre soo feelingling well again,and can jn join in the christmas parties that will no doubt be going on !!!!i'm sure i speak for a ot of people when i sy we miss youyou.take good care of yourself.hope to chat soon.n
s salxxxx
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get well soon
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